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Together with Serena and Duke Corasell, I informed the Alterran Black Corps about the impending meeting in which Doctor Cheng Du would be hosting. Major General Valesmith was glad that we finally found a lead on that damned terrorist doctor that has been running around in one and a half years.

At last, the traitorous fat man will be at our grasps. This is our only chance to capture him. The task force initiated a mission, which is named Operation Drunken Whaler.

The meeting is set at the highly urbanized Goldcliffe City, which is home for businessmen with towering skyscrapers and poor stray dragonoids that live on the slums. Fortunately, Serena and Duke Corasell are destined to meet the terrorist doctor in a hotel that is situated in the clean part of the city.

I was never hesitant to take Duke Corasell’s offer for protection ever since he mentioned Cheng Du. This is my chance to get revenge for him, for what he has done to me and my friends. Alfred, Carlo, and I spend so much effort to do his wetwork. My friends even paid for their lives to get that pesky dossier he wanted us fetched, only to discover that he has a plan to dominate the world. I’ll make sure Cheng Du will get what he deserves after this.

I never told Serena about Cheng Du’s grim plan with her. In fact, I never told anybody. Serena is my one-way ticket to Cheng, and somehow I needed her to act as my bait. I really feel bad about this but this is the only way in order for me to get my revenge against that whale-fat man.

To enter the meeting, all other members of the task force are mandated to get a disguise. The enemy will be alerted if they discovered that there are Alterran dragon knights entering their premises, so even I have to change my appearance. Serena does not need to change anything since most of the people think that Duke Corasell owns her.

Alphonse and I acted like bodyguards, wearing a full black tuxedo and shades to cover our eyes. I dyed my hair blonde just to make sure that Cheng Du would not recognize me. Now I and Alphonse look like a blonde dumb duo. On the other hand, Z wore a cute party dress as she is disguised to be Serena’s manager. Danielle is disguised as a royal duchess with a beauty pageant nightgown, and her dragonoid Nathaniel will serve as her butler. Danielle also dyed her hair ash-gray so that nobody would recognize that she’s a dragon knight.

The main force is outside the hotel, and it was lead by Major General Valesmith. If we confirm that Doctor Cheng Du is inside the premises, we will signal Valesmith to breach to the said hotel and capture the target for good. This operation is flawless.

Or so I thought.

Because when we attempted to enter the hotel, the bodyguards halted me. Serena, Duke Corasell, Alphonse and Z was clear from suspicion, so I don’t understand why I’m being held up.

“Hold up.” The guard said. “You are Serena Maizono’s bodyguard, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” I said as I tried to make a deep voice. “Wherever madam Serena goes, I go.”

“Let me see your ID.” The guard said.

Thankfully, we had so much time to prepare for our fake identities. We managed to falsify an identification card for our disguises, so I don’t have to hesitate to hand it out. But as soon as the guard looked at the picture and the name indicated on the card, the guard made a suspicious stare at me.

“You don’t look like Amir Al-Asad to me.” The guard said as he stared at my eyes.

Damn it! Who the heck made these fake IDs! That name certainly does not fit my appearance since my hair is dyed blonde and I have a caucasian complexion! Now I have to get my way out of this without getting into trouble!

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