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I wheezed heavily as I try to regain my strength that has been drained by the Memory Flasher Device. Having so many flashbacks could only put my brain into its limit, and it’s stressing me out. My headaches as my old memories inject itself directly into my mind.

But even with unbearable pain, I can still smile. Remembering the past where I killed the second person on my list gave joy to me. I may be a sitting potato here in this electric chair, but my laugh can be heard echoing in this dark interrogation room.

“Hahaha! Hahaha! Trystgade is dead! Trystgade is dead! Next is Eldritch!” I made a devilish smile.

[You are right. But for what cost, Xenon? For what cost? Alterra’s throne was seized by Eldritch, and that made him the one and only world leader who controls all the four empires.]

Suddenly, a screen flashed to me that contains a press conference five months ago. It appeared to be in the central throne room of Alterra in which Michael Eldritch is now acting like a god-king. This particular event is the inauguration of the first and only emperor of the world. With this opportunity to talk to everyone using mass media, he made an amusingly shocking announcement.

“Ladies and gentlemen, people of the whole world. I am truly grateful that you have come to hear my words. My name is Emperor Michael Eldritch, your one, and only leader. As for my lovely subjects, I would like to tell you the truth. Right here in this very inauguration, I will answer one of the most asked questions in my rulership, and I will approach these allegations head-on.”

Eldritch leaned forward the podium to have an eye-to-eye contact with the broadcast watchers through the camera.

“Am I developing a mind-control device? …No, we are not.”

The media men and the dukes and duchesses can be heard clapping and applauding behind the scenes. They are truly grateful that the one and only emperor of the whole world can be trusted until he continued to answer the allegations.

“...Because we have already developed it.” Eldritch smirked like the devil. Suddenly, the curtains behind him opened, revealing a small tower with endlessly rotating gears and some metallic rods.

The dukes and duchesses on the audiences started to mumble and silently panic. They did not know what to do at this moment as the Psychic Amplifier can activate its pulse any second.

“Let me be clear to you, ladies and gentlemen. Politicians make this world a worse place. I am the one and the only answer to the world’s problems. Corruption, famine, slavery. I will eradicate all of it. All you have to do is to surrender your fealty to me. I am Emperor Michael Eldritch, your one true God.”

As the Psychic Amplifier released its psychic radiation, the broadcast was cut. I was left on the darkness as the hologram screen faded, and I only uttered a chuckle. I never have thought that Michael Eldritch has the talent to put up a show.

[Emperor Michael Eldritch spent four months eradicating rebellions that opposed his authority. He used the Psychic Amplifier to make everyone obey his words. It was a one-sided fight. It was one of the darkest days of the planet.]

“That’s what he does best,” I muttered. “Eldritch never fights a war he can’t win. Now that he’s certain to win, he is conquering everything.”

Suddenly, the interrogator jumped to another question.

[After that raid on Elysia’s capital, you sacrificed yourself for your allies to escape. You faced the mind-controlled Alphonse Faradeiss and he captured you. Serena Maizono, Danielle Keine, and the other allies you had were also held in custody but they were immediately released. Why is that?]

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now