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My breathing is softer than before. I have finally accustomed myself in this electric chair, and the hologram globe is not hurting my eyes anymore. My skin felt cool as the cold air mixed with my own sweat.

[Seeing your memories makes us understand your rivalry against the opposing empire. You pledged yourself to become stronger so that you can defeat Lothar Pendragon.] The interrogator said.

“That’s not it.” I sighed. “It doesn’t matter if I win my battles against him. All that matters to me is my revenge, and all the information he has given to me about Eldritch’s moves.”

[We saw from your memory that he is clearly siding with Emperor Michael Eldritch. Yet, he is friendly towards you, a well-known traitor of Elysia. How does a hero like him trust you with information that much?]

“A hero is defined by the choices he makes.” I murmured. “Kirina’s heartbeats tell Lothar what to do. It may seem like he’s a wacko, but he knew what he’s fighting for is right. I know that his intel can be trusted.”

[We knew that you never saw him again for a long time. How did you communicate with each other?]

“We used a private email site to trade information. We stay anonymous most of the time, but we use keywords to define ourselves from the rest. We have never been caught, even for once.”

[Conspiring with an enemy is an act of treason and espionage against the Empire of Alterra. You knew that you are committing a crime while talking to him. Yet, you still proceed.]

“You don’t understand.” I smiled. “It doesn’t matter to me which empire succeeds in the end. I don’t care if Elysia would end up winning the war as long as I get to bag Eldritch’s head.”

There was a long pause. I know that there’s a lot of secrets going on that would make me imprisoned for the rest of my life. I also think I can get a death sentence just by talking to an enemy from an empire. I’m openly telling them the truth, which makes me an enemy of Alterra and Elysia. But that doesn’t matter. They are using a memory-reading device anyway, so there’s no use in hiding these secrets.

[That doesn’t matter.] The interrogator said. [Betraying the empire of Alterra or Elysia is just a trivial matter. All we need to know is the location of the Psychic Amplifier.]

A chill went down to my spine. My betrayal on Alterra and Elysia doesn’t matter? Who the hell are these people holding me up?

“Ack!” A jolt entered my brain. Hearing the last word, the Psychic Amplifier, makes my brain ache.

[It’s working.] The interrogator said. [You are recovering your lost memories. We have succeeded in recovering a fragment about the Psychic Amplifier.]

“Huff… puff…” I breathed hard to catch my breath. There’s a little spark inside my brain when the interrogator muttered the word Psychic Amplifier again. “My head… it hurts…”

[Do you remember the Psychic Amplifier?]

“I… don’t…” I tried hard to speak. It’s like my vocal cords are on fire, and my lungs are frozen. My body is trying hard to suppress the memories that are hidden inside me.

[Did you get information about the Psychic Amplifier from Lothar? Did Lothar mention about Psychic Amplifier on your private chat?]

“Yes,” I said. “But he left out other vital information. He is keeping me in the dark.”

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now