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The sounds of hundreds of sirens echoed around the floating continent of Guardian’s Haven. Everything is noisy, including the city, the academy, and even the grand castle. Everybody was on red alert as soon as the bad news came into the capital.

“We’re at Defcon 2! I repeat we are at Defcon 2!” The radio announcer on our military channel said. On the background of the channel are endless shouting and fast footsteps running around. Each and every person here in Alterra’s capital is busy as they are preparing for the countermeasures.

At the edge of the floating continent is a wharf where I’m standing stiff. I gaze upon the gigantic airship that the empire granted for me, the S.S. Eaglecrest, which is the most advanced aircraft created in this era. This airship is about twice the size of an aircraft carrier which can handle hundreds of dragons inside.

Me having permission to use such a thing means that my mission is one of the most crucial jobs I will ever take to protect this empire.

“Major General Valesmith.” It was Emperor Sirius Elkyria himself, and he came to personally see me. His eyes are currently lifeless, fully shocked about the turn of events that involved his daughter. “You are the most valuable dragon knight and soldier of the empire. I will entrust my daughter’s safety on your hands.”

I immediately saluted to the emperor and made my vow. “Yes, your highness. I promise I will deliver Princess Serenity Elkyria back to you, safe and alive.”

“I am truly indebted by your honor, Major General.” The emperor smiled even if his mood is of pure sorrow. “Now go. Godspeed.”

I bowed, and then I boarded the S.S. Eaglecrest as soon as it opened its hatch. As soon as I, the Officer-in-Charge of this airship made the signal to the pilots, the airship unleashed its boosters and flew from the floating continent of Guardian’s Haven downward to the planet’s surface.

“So the princess got kidnapped, eh?” My dragonoid Rius talked to me as I removed my yellow tuxedo and shades and switched back to my blue dragon knight uniform.

“Yes. The princess has reportedly snuck away from the castle and went to Abaddon City.” I said. Then, I presented my phone to my dragonoid. “Abaddon City is a big metropolis, and we don’t know the princess’ exact location. So far, this is our only lead to her.”

I played the recording on my phone, which is actually a recording of the phone call of the princess to the emperor. Even if it’s just a recording, it is evident in the princess’s tone that she’s scared to death. I can even hear the princess’s heavy gasps as she speaks.

“Dad! Help! We’re being attacked by unknown people! I’m with Cleru! I’m sorry if I snuck out! Please help me!” The princess said. There were several gunshots in the background, and I heard a painful grunt from a teenage boy afterward. Then the phone call was filled with screams. “They’re here! They’re here! Get off me! Noooo!”

Then the recording was cut.

Hearing the recording made Rius’s bone chill. This dragonoid looks like a rockstar with spiky blond mohawk hair already, and that fear made all his hair in his body go up like a rooster. “That’s pretty grim.” He said.

As I sat on my throne on the airship, I dive into my deep thought as I speak it out loud.

“Abaddon City is a heavily guarded city, and it gives me the doubt on why the princess was kidnapped in such a place even if she has no guards. Considering that the kidnapping has made so much gunshot noises, it must be made by a group that is rich in finances and manpower. They seem to be organized too, as they have snuck past the defenses quietly and only had to fight when they are about to get their hands on the princess. I have ruled out the probability of mafias doing this type of kidnapping. If it’s the terrorists or remnants of Arcadia, they must have given their demands by now, so we have to rule that out.”

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