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I’m facing the man who used me the entire time. Michael Eldritch. He is the mastermind behind the killing of the most precious person in my life. Now that I’m standing in front of him, all my mind and heart are focused on one thing: to kill this person.

I can still remember how my wife Kirina died. The raging flames of our house caught us by surprise as we were sleeping sound at night. The fires swept all our belongings, our whole house that we worked together to build, the gardens we created to spend our time together, and our future. Everything was gone when I opened my eyes.

My wife, she didn’t even utter her final words for me. She was dead even before I had a chance to wake her up. Her skin and flesh, all converted to ashes. It was all too late for me to even hug her charred body.

I can still remember how I killed the culprit. I remember running out of our house and seeing a dragonoid who is equipped with gasoline and explosives. I sliced him in half. I sliced him in fourth. I sliced him in eight. All of those things I will do for the person who has killed my Kirina.

I can still remember the murderous arsonist dragonoid’s eyes. It’s colored lifeless crimson, and there is a faint glow of red on his pupils. The faint glow on his eyes faded the moment I killed the dragonoid that is rumored to be part of the terrorist group Arcadia.

Those faint glow on that dragonoid’s eyes is the same as what I saw on the mind-controlled dragon knight Alphonse and his dragonoid Z. I never noticed it right away because the faint glow can only be seen if you’re staring up close. There is no way I should have known sooner or later.

No, it’s still my fault. I should have known better than Eldritch, Cheng, and Trystgade can never be trusted. I should have trusted Xenon’s words from the start. I knew it was weird that those three are working with Arcadia. I should have taken the hint and rebelled right from the start.

I glared at the bullshit emperor as I pointed my buster sword to his direction. “Tell me, why did you kill Kirina!? Tell me, Eldritch! Why!?”

Eldritch made a short chuckle as he explained, fully unthreatened to me. “Kirina Pendragon is part of the leftist. Your meddlesome wife was part of a peace movement that wanted to overthrow the dynasty of Eldritch in this empire. You should have known it because you’re part of that organization too.”

“Kirina did nothing to you! And so did I! Why do you have to destroy our home!?” I growled. “All we’re doing is to make a peaceful protest!”

“That’s not the case here, old man,” Eldritch said. “You two are becoming an eyesore to my family. Your wife is influential, and my lineage would be in peril if she stays alive. That is why I have to kill her in a safe and precise way. I used the Eye of Deus to control the mind of a poor terrorist dragonoid to do our dirty job, and I will stay clean. Brilliant, isn’t it?”

“Fuck you!” I cried out loud. I moved my feet forward and attempted to charge in, but I immediately stopped when Eldritch changed the color of his blue eyes to read, and his sclera transformed from white to black.

“Stop it, Lothar Pendragon. You’re still a great asset to this empire. You know that we must cooperate together so that world peace could be attained. I still need you to dominate the whole world.” Eldritch said. “A great battle is coming. We must let bygones be bygones.”

“Fuck you and your ideals! I’m going to kill you now!”

Nothing can stop me from charging forward. With my buster sword, I made a horizontal slash, planning to slice the traitorous emperor’s midriff to half, but he managed to jump back.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now