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“My name is Sir Gerald Lucielo, and this is my dragonoid Mamari.”

The First Pentagram Knight introduced himself with a genuflect. This dragon knight in front of me is a short man with a bob haircut, a style that can be usually seen on grade-schoolers nowadays. I reckon his height is five feet to be exact, and his royal knight uniform makes him look like he just came from a Halloween costume party.

Besides the kid is a well-endowed woman with hanging jugs and thick hips. This woman is about six feet tall and is wearing an armored princess gown that has a giant backpack attached on her waist. Setting aside that weird equipment she’s wearing, everybody who sees her would mistake her for a beauty queen. This beautiful woman has a set of caring crimson eyes like those of a mother watching her kid.

“The First Pentagram Knight is... a kid?” I muttered.

“Hello there, cute one~” Serena bent over as she pressed her face to the kid knight. “You must be a super genius to be able to have the title of a Pentagram Knight!”

“Shut up!” Gerald Lucielo cried. “I’m not a kid anymore! I’m twenty-eight!”

“No way!” Serena and I uttered in sync. We both can’t believe that a cute little runt like him is older than us.

“Mamari!” Gerald the glorious Pentagram Knight hugged his dragonoid’s waist. “Mamari! They don’t believe me that I’m already an adult! Waaaaah!!!”

Gerald’s mother, I mean, his motherly dragonoid, caressed his head and pressed it to her chest while trying to calm her dragon knight. “Oh my, I’m sorry, my little Gerald. Are they bullying you? Every person you meet is bullying you for your looks, so you should get used to it. Don’t worry, mom is here.”

“You’re not my mom!” Gerald exclaimed. “I’m at least three years older than you!”

“Shuuush, my little sweet Gerald. Want mother to breastfeed you?” The dragonoid Mamari teased her knight with a smug on her face.

This is getting comical, so I looked at the emperor’s reaction. Right now, he’s laughing his ass out, slamming the golden goblet of wine on the arm of his chair. He’s laughing like there’s no tomorrow and he’s stressing his lungs out.

I looked around the surroundings, and I saw that the seats in this arena are slowly getting filled. Almost one-fourth of the audience seats are now filled with Serenatics or also known as Serena’s annoying fans club. Some of them are boys who are wearing pompoms and cheerleading apparels that are supposed to be worn by girls, and they are now dancing in sync like a bunch of idiots.

“Serena! Serena! Go! Go! Serena! L-O-V-E! Serena!”

Serena heard their cheer dance, so she made a charming and sparkling smile to the die-hard fans while waving her hand. When the fans club saw Serena’s goddess smile, the whole crowd began wild, shouting “Kyaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!”. Seriously, these fanboys are grinding my gears with their annoying voice.

To make the screeching and shouting worse, Serena entertained the audiences. She used her forge magic to magically create a mic on her hand and shouted out to all her fans. “Everyone! Please watch me, okay! I will do my best! I love yoouuuuuu~”

“Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! We love you, Serena!” The fans club answered with a shout.

Serena squeezed her mic, magically turning it to sparkling glitters that bathed her whole body. Now that she’s glowing, she gracefully turned around, made a wink, and displayed her signature double-V-sign pose. The crowd went nuts, and all the camera’s blinded us with their flashes.

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