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The wind in the stratosphere is twice colder than a minute before. We have finally crossed the border that divides the empire of Alterra and Elysia, and now we are hovering on top of the snowy mountain range. My Elemental Dragon maintained its speed of two hundred kilometers per hour as we carefully gaze around the surroundings for any signs of the airship we’re chasing.

I know that Major General Valesmith’s instincts about the princess not being here is logical, so we are here under his orders to double-check if his hunch is right. Besides, our efforts of flying over here won’t be wasted if we managed to capture the airship and extract information about the princess’s whereabouts.

“Senor, look!” Danielle handed me her masquerade-looking telescope as she pointed at the mountain that is on the northwest.

When I tried the telescope myself, I finally found what we’re looking for. It’s a blue airship that is currently docked in the middle part of the mountain, which is about two miles from here. I can see that steam is still rising up from that airship’s chimney, so that means they have just parked that vessel a few minutes ago.

“Bingo,” I muttered. “Z, turn twenty degrees and full speed ahead.”

“Roger that, master!” My Elemental Dragon answered via telepathy. Then it channeled fire, electricity, and wind element on its wings to boost forward twice the speed.

It only took us two minutes just to reach our destination. As soon as my Elemental Dragon landed, Danielle and his dragonoid Nathaniel hopped out and started to step on the hard snow. Danielle revealed her bladed fans, while Nathaniel immediately buffed his body with his muscle-adding magic. We are about to check the perimeter for some vantage points and traps, but it seems unnecessary because the airship seems to just have landed. The enemy wouldn’t have enough time to prepare for ambush because we got here earlier than they must have thought.

Suddenly, the airship opened its hatch, revealing tough-looking people that seems to be our enemy. They seem to be waiting for us, but they didn’t look like they were luring us to a trap either.

There are five persons who made their entrance, which comprises of two humans and three dragonoids. The two humans are wearing a white-and-gold military uniform that has the sigil of a golden dragon’s head, which means they are from Elysia’s Dragon Knight Academy. They are with their respective dragonoids, and they are also accompanied by one peculiar dragonoid who does not need a knight in order to turn into a powerful dragon. Lothar Pendragon is with them.

“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.” One of the enemy dragon knights bowed. This dragon knight is a brown chubby man with spiky pineapple hair, which is somewhat small to his build. He also has small eyes and muscular biceps, only a little smaller than those of Nathaniel’s. I guess that this bastard has the very same age as mine. This dragon knight introduced himself as he maintained his politeness. “My name is Abel Urias, an Elysian Dragon Knight.”

The other human is a skinny sexy blonde girl with white complexion. This knight-chick is wearing more revealing clothing under her dragon knight jacket. She’s wearing short shorts and a brasserie-like upper dress. Her three ponytails waved as she jollily introduced herself. “Heya! My name is Maxi Goldrion! Nice to meet you, Alterran dragon knights!”

“Oui, likewise.” Danielle made a kind response with a polite flip of her skirt.

However, I don’t intend to welcome them with open arms as it is obvious that they are our enemies. “Fuck off, will ya,” I said to them.

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