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“Eight seconds sound long enough for me.” Serena smiled as she readied her dual-wielding sword battle stance. Then she charged towards the enemy.

I don’t know if she’s just flexing or not, but that does not ease my feeling of losing this fight. The enemy has a lot of shield plate battery percentage left on him, and considering the distance, it would take five seconds just for Serena to close into the Pentagram Knight Marlon. If I charge and attack, I might get hit by his sticky fireballs again, and that would eliminate me from this fight.

My only course of action here is to wait and do nothing. I have to trust Serena on this fight, just like any other fights where I’m the tank and she’s the damage dealer.

“Seven seconds left, moja!” Marlon swiped his fingers in the thin air sideways, and five fireballs materialized. It rushed towards the charging celebrity dragonoid with an accurate aim. “Multiple Fusion Flare!”

With Serena’s nimble feet and flexible body, she dodged the first two fireballs with a spin. Then, she tumbled to evade the third and fourth fireball and danced like a ballerina to evade the fifth, all while getting close to the enemy. There are roughly twenty meters left in distance, and Serena won’t make it in time.

Suddenly, Serena materialized her longbow and arrow, jumped forward while spinning like an acrobat, and fired her projectile straight to the enemy’s face. Sadly, all Marlon did was to tilt his head in order to evade the headshot, and now the arrow hit nothing but the dusty ground.

“Ha! Missed! Five seconds left, moja!” Marlon laughed.

The next five seconds was a nightmarish slow motion for me. I see my shield plate at 5%, and the mystic flame is bound to remove one percent every second. I am all depressed when suddenly, Serena revealed her trump card.


In a blink of an eye, Serena disappeared from midair and teleported towards the arrow behind the enemy. Everything happened so fast that everyone who watches this fight is all amazed at Serena. Even me. I never thought Serena is capable of casting Blink magic in the first place!

“What the-!!!” That was all Marlon could mutter as he turned to his opponent behind.


Serena spread out her hands and forged short swords on each. Then she executed the enemy with her ultimate combo technique as she spelled her name out loud and quick. Everything from here happened so fast that I couldn’t help but to think Serena as an alien from this world.

“S!” Serena quickly made a cross slash towards the chest of the enemy, then she teleported to another side.

“E!” Serena forged a lance and hit the enemy’s waist, and then teleported again.

“R!” Serena forged a shield and bashed it towards the enemy’s nose, and then she disappeared.

“E!” Serena forged an ax and slashed the enemy’s shoulder, and then she teleported to the backside of the enemy.

“N!” Serena forged a giant gauntlet on her right hand and punched the enemy in the cheek. Then she teleported again.

“A!” Serena forged a staff that unleashed lightning towards the enemy.

Then, she kicked the chubby knight as she somersaulted back to gain a distance of five meters.

“Maizono...!!!” Serena crossed her wrists and channeled a ridiculous amount of magic energy on her fingerless gloves, making her able to forge a thing that has never been artificially created before: an actual dwarf star, that is about the size of a basketball. With this excessive energy she created in a short amount of time, she unleashed the dwarf star in a speed of light! “...Medley!”

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now