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I’m not dead.

That’s what I muttered inside my mind when I realized that I was able to wake up. I can feel rough scales on the naked back and my sense of balance is swaying. I can hear rough waves and some random explosions in the background as if I’m in the middle of a war that is taking up in the middle of the sea. The clear blue skies were the first thing I saw, then finally, the face of a beautiful maiden with a dark tan complexion.

“Mademoiselle Serena! Wake up!” It was Danielle who is gently shaking my body. She finally gave a smile when she realized that my eyes have been opened. “Thank goodness you’re alright!”

I struggled to lift my body as I held my aching head. Now I remember what happened. We fought the Orochi Dragon and I was caught by the psychic beam. How long am I out? I checked on my body and saw that almost all of my apparel has burnt. Only my undergarments are left, and I don’t know if my bra would fall off for any second.

I finally realized where I am. Danielle and I are resting at the back portion of Z’s Elemental Dragon on Rainbow Form, and we are hovering the skies in a high altitude that we’re above the clouds. I can still hear explosions from below, and there are pink blasts that looked like thunder in the clouds.

“Damn! I thought you were a goner there, Serena.” Alphonse glanced at me. But when he saw me semi-naked, he immediately turned away with an awkward blush. “You got caught by the psychic beam and your nerve circuits were fried. You’ve been brain dead for about fifteen minutes, but you miraculously woke up.”

“Braindead, huh?” I looked at my hand, which is still on the verge of regenerating. Some parts of my skin are still full of cuts because of the psychic blast that Orochi Dragon hit me. Since I don’t have Elform activated right now, the wounds would take a long time to heal.

I looked at Danielle, who appears to be shocked while looking at my face. I tilted my head and stared at her until she gave a make-up mirror to my hand.

“Serena… your eyes… what is that?”

When I looked at the mirror, I was astounded to see my very eyes. They are like onions cut in half, in which every layer has its own color like a rainbow. I have seen this eye once. I shouldn’t be surprised to see this on my own face, but I have been in denial for so long. I have to accept it.

“Curse of Necross,” I muttered. “Xen saved me again.”

The Curse of Necross is vague magic for me. I don’t know anything about how Necross works, but considering that its messiah is an undead demon, then that means I have acquired the powers of the undead too. That is the only logical reason why I managed to survive Orochi Dragon’s attack. I might have gained a sprinkle of zombie powers myself.

Now that I have these cursed eyes, it is now certain to me that Xenon really took up Necross Messiah’s contract. I have to see him as much as possible before something unimaginable happens to him.

But first, we have to deal with a greater threat first. Sakuradrop. Orochi Dragon. That Eye of Deus of hers is equally as dangerous as Necross. We have to stop her before we can even reach Eldritch.

“The Pentagram Knights have arrived a few minutes ago, and they are taking care of the Orochi Dragon,” Danielle explained to me. “Previously, they reacquired the throne in Alterra and now Emperor Sirius Elkyria is back to his power. The Prime Minister of Sargus and the President of Fleija also cooperated on our cause, and now we are on war against Elysia. Thanks to your plan, we have now turned the tables.”

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now