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This is it. This is the most awaited day of my life. One month of preparation of Alterra’s military forces and now we are ready for war. I never got any proper sleep for the past few days because I’m so excited for this last mission. Finally, I can go back to my hometown and demand the payment for those who owe me.

As of the plans, I made them all by myself. I have memorized Elysia’s topography and geography, and I know all the best entrances and the weakest lines of defense if they haven’t changed their traditional military routine by now. It’s been two and a half years since I last stepped in in this place, so I expect some changes.

Elysia’s capital is the Magic Peak, a snowy mountain range that goes around the top of the continent for fifteen miles. At the northern part of the capital is the inhabitable north pole of the planet. The eastern part is near the main military base where White Ghosts like me are trained. Both two directions are bad options to start our invasion, however, the western part of the Magic Peak is the Snow Gulf. This is where trade deals by ships and even airships are conducted, so the city beside the gulf is inhabited with civilians. If I don’t care about the people, I would choose this as a starting point.

Danielle told me that it would be bad for both empires if we had the civilians of Elysia involved, so she suggested an attack starting from the north pole. She said that we have five airships that can withstand the extreme temperature of the snowy mountains. To go to the north pole, we made a route that involves crossing the western ocean to the left and then go as far as north as possible. The world is a sphere, so we should be reaching the north pole as long as we venture continuously to the north regardless if we start from the west or east.

There was a massive snowstorm that intercepted our route when we finally reached the north pole. Thankfully, one of my allies Alder Windstrafe managed to stop the blizzard using the power of his Ice Dragon. We managed to pass through the extreme environment without any damage or casualties.

One hour of traveling southwards from the north pole, and we finally saw the mountain range of the Magic Peak. The mountain range encircles around the capital like a crown that is identical to the crown the emperors of Elysia are wearing. In fact, their gem crown is based on this very mountain range, and this is the symbol of protection for the Elysian people.

Venturing towards the capital of Elysia is impossible on foot. Good thing we have airships which can just hover above the mountain ranges that are about a hundred meters tall. The Elysian military has detected our fleet, and the defense department of this wretched empire tried to threaten us through radio contacts.

“Unidentified airships, you are now entering into Elysian territory! We demand you to stop proceeding or else we will fire in your direction!”

The five airships that the emperor of Alterra gave me bears no flags, so it is understandable that even the Elysian military defense couldn’t identify my airships if they are for commercial purposes or for warfare. It gave them the benefit of doubt, and we both know that Elysia does not fire at civilians unless necessary.

“Oui Senor. We will not turn back.” Danielle replied to the radio.

“This is your final warning! You will turn back to where you came from, or else we will fire at your ships!” The Elysian defense is getting spiky. I can see rocket turrets deployed on the mountain ranges aiming at the five airships.

“Light 'em up,” I muttered to Danielle.

At my signal, Danielle pressed the red button, and all hell broke loose. The five airships revealed its rockets and destroyed all twelve missile turrets that are pointed to us and our airships. Flames started to engulf the mountain ranges due to the surprise attack, and now I guess the crown-shaped snowy mountain ranges won’t be the symbol of their protection anymore.

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