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We are going at a sonic speed that we immediately made it to the island in almost no time at all. We are hovering above the vast cherry blossom trees, looking for any signs of the Psychic Amplifier. As of the moment, all we can see are pink leaves, petals and other floras that show a little to no hint of the spiraling tower. There are heavy mists in the stratosphere, and the sakura petals are randomly flying around. It makes it a little bit harder to locate.

“Keep going, Senors.” Danielle talked to us using the earpiece radio. “Proceed straight. You should be able to see it right now.”

“We can’t see it. The heavy fog and the flying petals are on our way. We can’t speed up any further.” I said.

“Let’s clear the fucking mist,” Alphonse said as he spread out his arms. His Elemental Dragon halted in midair, expanding its wingspan as it gathers wind energy. With a single powerful flap, a tornado was made, splitting the mist into half in a wide area of effect. Finally, the air has been cleaned but there is one problem.

There are enemies waiting for us. Just a few meters away, there are two dragon knights with the highest honors that came from Elysia.

The first dragon is a peculiar lizard with a humanoid body, dark scales, and red skin. It has two devil horns curling on its head, and it has a dark Halloween cape as wings. This dragon of darkness has this noticeably large upper and lower fangs which make it obvious that it is a Vampire Dragon.

The second dragon is not covered with scales but instead covered with dark brown fur. It has a head that is similar to a wolf, and its tail is similar to a jackal. It has paws and claws that look like a mutated form of a bear’s, and it has the same fangs as those of a canine. Its wings are like those of a bat, except that it’s a little bit fluffier. It’s a Werewolf Dragon.

The dragon knights who are riding the Vampire Dragon and the Werewolf Dragon looked like identical twins. They both have this spiky pineapple-haircut, white complexion, slightly-malnourished and short body build. I have heard of this duo ever since high school, and they are one of the most powerful dragon knights in Elysia, matching those of a Pentagram Knight.

“Welcome, intruders! We are here to defend the secrets of this Cherry Island as ordered by Emperor Michael Eldritch!” One of the knights said. “You should now leave the premises, or you will die!”

“My name is Kenneth, and this is my twin Emman! We are the Immortal Knights, and we can never be defeated nor killed!” The other knight said. “This is your last warning! We will not hesitate to use force!”

I looked at Alphonse, and he looked at me. Both of us nodded on one another, and then we looked at our dragons. Those enemy dragon knights mean no threat to us. We have no time and place to waste, as the Psychic Amplifier is doomed to activate in a couple of hours.

“Let’s finish this fucking quick, Z!” Alphonse said. As soon as Alphonse made his declaration of battle, his Elemental Dragon spread its multicolored wings once again and gathered the power of the thousand elements. “Rainbow Surge!”

In a blink of an eye, the Elemental Dragon dashed with lightspeed and slashed through the Vampire Dragon’s central body, immediately destroying its midriff all the way to its feet. The lower part of the dragon immediately vaporized as soon as it was detached on the enemy. It was a quick victory for him, not until we realized that the Vampire Dragon can regenerate almost immediately.

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