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The third Pentagram Knight we’ll be challenging is a man named Marlon Trystgade. He is a brown man with a chubby face and curly hair, and he’s quite petite on his size. Wearing his black Pentagram Knight uniform, this person wields a grimoire as his primary weapon. A first look at him will make you feel a bookworm nerd vibe with him. But don’t be fooled on his looks. He’s one of the most powerful dragon knights in Alterra, and I heard that he has the most powerful magic techniques among the five Pentagram Knights.

Trystgade. That is his last name. Fortunately for him, he’s not in any way related to my ex-girlfriend Marisse Trystgade-Eldritch. Trystgades are common in almost all of the four empires, and all of them are rich dukes and duchesses. Marlon and Marisse don’t have any connection of some sort.

“Looks like we have a lot of fans watching us, moja,” Marlon said.

“Oh yes, master. But unfortunately for you, the audiences are only here to watch dragonoid girls fight.” Marlon’s dragonoid said.

Marlon’s dragonoid is Fira Cromwell, a kunoichi from the eastern part of the world. She is a well-endowed woman with snow-white skin, long black hair tied in a ponytail, slender arms, and long legs. This dragonoid is wearing red kimono that exposes her hamburger cleavage and chicken legs which makes the audience cry for joy.

Fira is known to be a commercial model, just like Serena. But unlike Serena, Fira is engaged in a more… daring photoshoots. I’ve always seen her face on every issue of Playbunny adult magazine. She is actually a sex symbol for dragonoids, which gives joy to perverted humans and dragonoids alike. However, she’s not as famous as Serena because her target audiences are adults only.

“Serena Maizono, thank you for inviting such a huge amount of audiences in this fight.” Fira made a friendly smile.

“No, it’s all thanks to you, Miss Fira Cromwell.” Serena politely bowed. “Since you agreed that we will have an open-house exhibition match, our careers will surely rocket up beyond the sky. We can both promote the Dragonoid Rights Bill together.”

“Yeah.” Fira nodded. Then, she reached out a weapon from her cleavage and readied her battle stance. Her weapon is a glaive, and I don’t have any idea how it fitted on her skimpy ninja clothing. “This may be a win-win situation for us, but my Marlon doesn’t intend to lose either.”

“Likewise.” Serena smiled.

Marlon and I looked at each other. Not knowing what’s going on between the girls, we both raised our shoulders. I can’t believe the enemy dragon knight can understand me better than my partner.

“All dragon knights, battle position.” The cybernetic-voiced announcer said. At that signal, I readied my shield in front. Marlon also opened his book. Fira readied to launch her glaive, while Serena is just standing stiff, not materializing any of her weapons.

The countdown on the screen of the stadium started at twenty seconds. As we wait, the arena was filled with silence. Not even the Serenatics Fanclub nor the hotdog vendors dared to breathe. They all focus on the center of the arena which will turn into a battlefield anytime by now.

Three… Two… One…

“Serena Maizono, here I gooooooooo!!!”

Serena made a graceful spin filled with glitters. Then, she materialized her twin short swords. The moment Serena broke the silence, the crowd went wild and nuts, cheering her up with all their strengths.

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