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“We’re late.” Captain Kevin Valesmith said as he boarded out of the airship first and stepped on the ground of the Guardian’s Haven.

The Guardian’s Haven is said to be the most fortified and most secure place in the Empire of Alterra. It is a legendary floating continent hundreds of kilometers away from the floor of the planet, and it is thousands of square kilometers wide. It is the capital of Alterra which consists of a metropolis, the Dragon Knight Academy, and the Alterran Castle where the Emperor of Alterra resides. There are also a lot of other establishments that are too lengthy to mention. Since it is away from the ground, you have to board an airship with an expensive fare just to go to this place. For most people, stepping on this gargantuan flying island is a dream.

The Guardian’s Haven has never fallen in history. Legends say that it was once the castle of the Dragon King millennia ago but was abandoned for some unknown reason. Even science and magic can’t explain how this continent floats. Some rumors said that the Guardian’s Haven was created by Vesryn; the goddess sorceress herself, and she used it as her home until she died of old age.

“Senpai…” Serena, who was beside me the whole time, held her chest. She looked at me with her puppy eyes, fully concerned about what event we had ourselves involved with.

Serena is nothing like a dragonoid slave right now. She looks astoundingly beautiful, just like back then when she was still a human. She’s wearing proper clothes; a clean white kimono on her upper body and a short pleated skirt and long black thigh-high boots on her lower body. A mere glimpse of her innocent cute face would certainly make every man fall in love with her.

“We’ll be fine.” I made an assured smile. “Let’s go.”

I know Serena’s concern. We are stepping into enemy territory. We are one of the few Elysians who steps in this floating continent as a free man and not a prisoner of war. Everyone here is supposed to be an enemy. But I still have to go to this place. Captain Valesmith told me that the Emperor summoned me for some confidential reason. The dragon knight didn’t have enough clearance to know why the Emperor scheduled a meeting with me.

After exiting the airship, Captain Valesmith, his punk dragonoid Rius, Serena, and I boarded the limousine. There are police motorcyclists who will be escorting us on the way to the Alterran Castle. Seeing this VIP treatment to us four, I can’t help but worry. This may be a trap for me and Serena. The thought of being tortured and interrogated flashed on my mind. I’m a retired enemy soldier to the perspective of Alterrans. The thought of harshly milking information out of my brain wouldn’t be too far fetched.

Fifteen minutes of the ride, and we finally reached the Alterran Castle. It is a medieval-style humongous building that towers all the Guardian’s Haven. Even back at the airship twenty kilometers away, this gigantic castle is visible to the naked eye. I bet this castle can also be seen in outer space.

I soon found ourselves at the main entrance of the castle. There are knights standing in line who act like non-living statues on the way to the booth. At the counter beside the inner gate, there are two men in black suits, and they are wearing shades. Captain Valesmith chinned up and arrogantly talked to the tuxedo man.

“We have a VIP.”

The tuxedo man touched the earpiece on his left and muttered. “VIP’s here.”

As soon as we are granted permission to enter the inner gate, I saw that the place becomes heavily guarded. We entered a secondary gate, third gate, fourth gate, until the fifth gate, and every time we get a clearance to venture deeper into the castle, more and more guards started to eye on me. What’s more, is that security is getting tighter. From normal guards on the entrance, magic knights on the third entrance, and even dragon knights and their partner dragonoids on the last gate.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now