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The Elysian dragon knight named Abel Urias is now riding a yellow-scaled dragon of eight meters in height. It has lightning-shaped black stripes on every part of its body. It has zigzagged horns above its dragon head, and its snout only has a pair of whiskers. Its wings are similar to those of a beetle’s, and its tail is similar to those of the butt of the bee. It’s a rare dragon that originates from the country of Elysia itself, which is a Thunderbuzz Dragon.

“Brrrrrrrzzzzzzz!!!” The Thunderbuzz Dragon growled, and its sound is like a noisy rotor of a giant boat.

On the other hand, the skinny and sexy Maxi Goldrion is riding an eight-meter-tall dragon with transparent purple crystals as its scales. Its dragon head is filled with purple spikes, and each and every part of its body seems to be reinforced by diamonds that contain tremendous amounts of magical energy. Just like its ally, this type of dragon is a native of Elysia. It is the Obsidian Dragon.

“Graaaaaaaah!!!” The Obsidian dragon roared, making weak tremors on this side of the mountain.

The mighty hero of the shitty country Elysia has already transformed into his dragon form. Lothar Pendragon is now on his ten-meter-tall black dragon with swords as his wings, and he made a roar that is enough to produce a strong sonic wave. If this goes on, an avalanche might happen on the battlefield.

“Z! Let’s go!” I commanded my dragon. On my signal, my Elemental Dragon flew upwards in the air to gain altitude. The enemy Yamato Dragon followed by jumping off from the ground and gliding with its wings that are made of swords.

I have to separate my own battle from Danielle. Two dragon knights against one might be a disadvantage, but I know she could pull it off. I also need to have a one versus one confrontation with Lothar so that I can fight at my full strength without worrying about support and such.

“You are a fool for trying to take me down one on one.” The Yamato Dragon telepathically talked to me.

“That’s where you’re fucking wrong.” I smiled. “I’m not fighting alone. I have my dragon Z with me. And you… you’re just a knightless dragon.”

“This is deja vu.” The Yamato Dragon answered with telepathy. “You already know how this will turn out. It’s just like last time.”

“Fuck off! Let’s fight!” I shouted out loud. “Quadra Elementia!”

At the shout of my spell, my Elemental Dragon flapped its four wings. Fire, water, earth, and air tornados were formed and surged towards the Yamato Dragon, but the Yamato Dragon has a countermove. Four swords detached from its wings and those four swords rocketed towards the center of the elemental tornadoes. In such a short amount of time, each of the swords absorbed all the tornados as if the swords have anti-magic properties.

“Useless.” The Yamato Dragon said. Then, it raised its right claw, pointing at me. “Kusanagi, Muramasa, Hayate, Launch!”

Suddenly, three gigantic swords of red, orange and yellow detached from the Yamato Dragon’s wings and surged towards us in the speed of Mach 2. My Elemental Dragon won’t have the necessary reaction time to evade the attack so I decided to upgrade! I clapped my hands and touched my dragon’s head as I poured my magical energy unto her.

“Z! Unleashing Restraints and Limit Release! Activate Rainbow Form!”

There was a blinding flash of colorful light, with the Elemental Dragon as its source. The elemental wings of my dragon merged until there are only two wings left. My dragon’s scales were converted to transparent prism crystals that reflect various colors on the surroundings.

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