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This is the second time I’ve stepped on the Alterra’s castle here in Guardian’s Haven, and it gives me the vibes of victory. For the past millennia, the Guardian’s Haven, which is the capital of Alterra has never fallen to an invasion. Not until today, as this is the day where I mark my own name; Emperor Michael Eldritch, as the king of this land.

I’m walking casually in the royal red carpet of the castle. Right here in the entrance, the security is supremely tight. There are knights who are guarding the pathway where I’m going through, but these people are not in any way a hindrance to my ultimate plan. Instead, the guard knights are here to salute me, acknowledging my power as their new master thanks to the Eye of Deus’ mind-controlling capabilities.

As I pass through the hallways, the mind-controlled knights raised their swords above my head for my honor. The Psychic Amplifying magic of the eye of gods is extremely splendid as I managed to control all enemies in just one stare. With such power, nobody could stop me, not even Xenon or the supposed Dragon Queen. Not even Emperor Sirius Elkyria and his army of elite dragon knights can defeat me.

I opened the gigantic golden door, and a dazzling environment flashed through my eyes. I’m finally in the throne room of the castle, where fifty knights are there for my service. These pawns all had their swords pointing at the person they once loyally served; Emperor Sirius Elkyria. That damned old man is sitting on his throne, with his princess crying on his lap. The Emperor of Alterra might be glaring at me with pure rage, but he knew that he could not do anything as of this moment.

“Emperor Sirius Elkyria, your majesty.” I made a clean smile as I genuflected shortly. “I am here not as an audience for your grace, but as the next emperor who will sit on that throne. I demand that you move your ass away from my seat.”

“You’re one cheeky bastard, Michael Eldritch. Just because you’re in control of my subjects does not mean that you already own Alterra. I have sworn upon the ancient kings that I shall be the protector of this kingdom, and you having control of the minds of my soldiers won’t change my everlasting vow.”

Emperor Sirius Elkyria stood up, and his eyes glowed the moment he shouted a deep voice with full force.


There was a strong shockwave that engulfed the whole throne room. As soon as the shockwave passed through the mind-controlled soldiers and knights, they immediately fell down to the ground. All of their knees and muscles are shaking as if they have been inflicted by intense fear by the mere shout of the Emperor of Alterra. It is legendary magic called Voice of the Emperor that is exclusive to the royal blood itself.

The old man emperor may have been able to take down all my pawns at once, but not me. To counter the shockwave, I raised my hand and golden circuits glowed through my arms. It created a magical invisible barrier that made me immune to the effects of the Voice of the Emperor.

”Impossible!” Old man Sirius stood in awe as he realized that his only ace has no effect on me. “How did you-!!!”

“Archonlight.” I smiled. “Voice of the Emperor does not affect true royal blood. No matter how powerful you are, I will always be one step behind.”

I glared at the filthy old man, activating my Eye of Deus to amplify my instantaneous Heartstopper Curse. With such quick activation, the Emperor of Alterra’s heart ceased to beat, and he fell to the ground.

“F-Father!” The princess of Alterra cried as she approached her father’s side. She tried to shake his father’s body, but that won’t help to ease the effects of the Heartstopper Curse I have inflicted on him.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now