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It didn’t take long for my former comrade to respond to my concern. Alphonse immediately spread out his arms and commanded his bladed chains to strike me. With my wonderful agility and reflexes, I evaded all those chain whips and the blade strikes that are enhanced with various elemental magic.

“Senor Alphonse! Keep it together!” I cried out loud.

“It’s no use. Alphonse Faradeiss has completely been controlled by my eyes.” The teenage dragonoid girl said. I can sense intense psychic force on his crimson eyes with black sclera, and I can feel a continuing invisible pulse from such eyes. This mysterious heartbeat-like pulse is similar to what I have felt during our operation to capture Doctor Cheng Du. It is the same as the Psychic Amplifier.

I looked at the enemies. The dragonoid girl who has weird eyes is called Sakuradrop if I remember correctly. The intel said that she is Michael Eldritch’s dragonoid, and that’s all we know about her. I have seen her during the state visit, and she always stays by Eldritch’s side. Considering that she’s here, there’s a probability that Michael Eldritch himself is in this place.

“No, Master Eldritch is not here,” Sakuradrop answered politely. “The only enemies here are your comrades. I don’t intend to fight you at all.”

“My, my. Mind reading, aren’t you?” I forced a smile to hide my fear. “Looks like your weird eye has strong psychic powers.”

“That is just a fragment of the power of the Eye of Deus,” Sakuradrop answered. “With these eyes, I can be a walking Psychic Amplifier.”

Nathaniel and I made several steps back. I am terrified and confused about the fact that the Psychic Amplifier is supposed to control the hearts and minds of dragonoid, but this Sakuradrop completely ignores that rule at all. This dragonoid is able to mind control Alphonse even if he’s a human.

Suddenly, my earpiece gave me the voice of our leader Valesmith. I can hear several grunts and explosions on the background and he seemed to be in a calm mood. “Princess Serenity Elkyria has been secured. What’s your status? Over.”

“Senor Valesmith, we have a problem-” I said, but I was immediately cut by Valesmith himself.

“I got a positive ID on Emperor Michael Eldritch. He’s completely alone, and his army is fleeing. I’m going to apprehend him for the kidnapping of the princess. You can now disengage and withdraw from your fight. Stay alert and good luck, over.”

“Wait, do not approach Michael Eldritch! I repeat! Do not approach Michael Eldritch!” I shouted out loud. But the communication has been cut before Valesmith heard my words. Realizing my futile efforts, I balled my fist and cried in pain. “Merde!”

“Too bad, Miss Keine.” Sakuradrop chuckled like an innocent princess. “You should have known that all paths lead to a dead-end... to all of you and the dragon knights of Alterra. Master Eldritch has planned it beforehand, and he is always several steps ahead.”

I held my heart and felt the synchronization of my chest to my dragonoid Nathaniel. I am certain to be defeated if I will stay here, so I’m planning for my Vesryn Pulse to activate. I cannot fight Lothar Pendragon, Sakuradrop, and the mind-controlled Alphonse alone. No, Lothar Pendragon is already exhausted. I think I can hold Alphonse long enough too. The real threat is Sakuradrop. If she uses her Eye of Deus to cast a Psychic Amplifier, he can control our minds at any given time.

“Don’t worry, Miss Keine. I do not intend to use my Eye of Deus on you. You are simply not worthy to waste my precious mana on.” Sakuradrop read my mind again. “I want to see how strong your comrade is, so feel free to become a punching bag.”

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now