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When the light from the hologram globe faded, I find myself in a much dizziness state than before. The device they are using to replay the lost memories inside my brain, I can be sure that it is a Memory Flasher Device. I cannot hide anything from these guys who captured me.

[So you are saying that you died during the Crimson Dragonfly Incident together with your two friends Alfred Sierro and Carlo Tavionas?] The cybernetic voice asked.

“Yes.” After I answer the question, I tried to catch up with my breath.

[A Heartstopper Curse was inflicted upon your body, causing your imminent death. That kind of magic is a hundred percent guarantee that a target will die. You said that you went K.I.A. when the Elysian General; Michael Eldritch cast that death spell upon you. So how are you alive?]

“I don’t know,” I said.

[Answer the question, Xenon! How are you still alive?]

“I don’t know! I don’t remember! Why won’t you check your lie detector to see if I’m lying, huh!?” I shouted. “I had no idea what was happening at that time!”

There was a five-second silence. It seemed that the interrogator is really checking out the apparatus that they plugged my butt into.

[Remember Cheng Du’s dossier. You said that the dossier contained various superweapons, and one of them is the Psychic Amplifier. Is that correct?]


[So you know about the plans for the Psychic Amplifier. Let me go back to the original question; Where is the Psychic Amplifier?]

“I don’t know. I never checked the dossier thoroughly. During that time, Alfred, Carlo, and I focused on grabbing all the data we can find and never cared for the details. We are only aware of the title of the projects Doctor Cheng Du is planning.”

[How about your ex-girlfriend, Duchess Marisse Trystgade? Does she know about the Psychic Amplifier?]

“I don’t know.” I made a short answer.

Hearing that name made me grind my gears. So far, the interrogator has been mentioning the names I hated the most. I can feel my heart burning and my brain overheating. My blood rapidly circulates around the veins all over my body.

[Blood pressure rising.] The interrogator said.

I bowed and closed my eyes. I let myself consumed into darkness as I mutter the reason of my existence.

“Cheng… Trystgade… Eldritch. They must pay.”

[Blood pressure continues to rise. Heartbeats abnormally fast. Adrenaline on blood vessels detected. Just how mad are you against these people?]

“Cheng… Trystgade… Eldritch. They must pay.” I repeated.

[Magical energy rising. Give him a shock. Give him a shock!]

Lightning currents entered my skin and my veins. The shock reached my brain, forcing it to shut down for a second. That shock saved me from the extreme anger I’m feeling. Now I’m all out of breath.

[Relax, Xenon. Let’s go back to Michael Eldritch. Did you know the reason why he has to kill you after getting the dossier?]

“I don’t know. Maybe for Marisse… or for Cheng Du…”

[Did you know Eldritch’s motives on getting the dossier?]

“Eldritch didn’t tell me. I can question orders, but I never question motives. We White Ghost are expendable soldiers. We do things while being left in the dark. But I still know what his motives are, since I know the way he thinks. He is my childhood friend after all.”

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now