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It’s getting cold. As my vision’s blurriness fades away, I noticed that I am already sitting on the airship’s seat reserved for the royalty. The golden decors of this red seat are too well cleaned. I noticed that my wrists have been cuffed into the arm of the chair. I tried to move my legs, but it was futile. It seems that all my limbs have been chained in this very seat.

“Oh, so you’re awake now. Rise and shine, my friend.” A familiar voice from behind gave chills in my spine. The voice who has been long waiting for revenge, it is the last thing I want to hear right now. The voice of Xenon Wingate. He looked in front of me and pressed his face forward. His eyes gazed on the deep scratch on my cheek. “What happened to your handsome face, Mike?”

I tried to turn away just to hide that wound, but my neck movements are restrained. Xenon just kept on staring at it with an irritating smug face of him.

“Your dragonoid bitch did this to me,” I muttered.

“Is that so? I guess sons of bitches like you are destined to be betrayed by bitches.” Xenon laughed. Then he walked around my seat and muttered “Forge.” From behind, I can hear a loud sound similar to a large scissor snapping.

When Xenon went back to my front, he already has this kind of shears on his hand. He’s moving it menacingly like a barber who has the intention of cutting his customer’s ear. Never mind that, I don’t think Xenon is here just to cut my ear. He’s here to torture me.

“You know, I understand you, Mike.” Xenon continued to revolve around me. “You killed me to get Marisse’s heart. You made me fetch Cheng Du’s dossier so that you can create that Psychic Amplifier yourself. It was our dream to dominate the world, together. You all wanted the world for yours to rule only. You even wanted my girlfriend to be your wife, you selfish bastard. Believe me, I understand. It’s like those children’s stories about a thief with a noble job to rob just for the greater good of the people. You have to rob Paul to feed Peter. There's no other way.”

The time Xenon has finally made back to my front, he showed me his shears and snapped it, giving me a terror enough for me to die.

“But what happens if Paul gets his revenge?” Xenon smiled like the devil. His mystic eyes glowed as he gave me the experience of hell in this world. He immediately forced my ring finger to stretch out and put it to the mouth of the shears. “That is why I am here, to make you pay!”

“Aaaaaaaahhhhh!!!” I cried as I endured the pain of having my finger cut by the sharp shears. I don’t want to look at my own mutilated finger, so I closed my eyes. I’m getting dizzy. This is the first time I have sustained such wounds, and it’s enough for me to pass out.

“Don’t sleep on me, my best friend!” Xenon slapped my face. “This is nothing compared to what you have done to Alfred and Carlo! This is just an ant-bite for what you did to Kevin and Rius!”

“Aaaaaaaahhhhh!!!” I hollered out loud as I felt three of my fingers getting mutilated. This psychopath has actually cut my right pointing finger, my left pinky, and my left thumb. Blood endlessly flowed to the side of the royal chair I’m sitting. “Fuck! Fuck you! I’m going to kill you, Xenon!”

“Fuhahahahaha!!!” Xenon laughed like the devil. He started to collect the fingers that fell down on the floor and put it on a clean basin. Suddenly, the psychopath went back in front and stabbed the shears on the chair, a few centimeters away from my crotch. “Tell me, Mike. How many times have you touched Serena?”

“Heh...” I laughed as I tried to catch my breath. “...I never did. Your lizard bitch is too elusive. She’s too pure for my hand to touch. This wound on my face, she gave me this.”

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now