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A tower standing in a military establishment, with a height of about fifteen meters, has this glowing red bulb at the tip of its top. It started to unleash weird sonar-like sounds, and I can feel a ripple effect that is identical to a beating heart.

“Senor Xenon, pull back! You have to get away from the Psychic Amplifier as soon as possible!” Danielle panicked through my radio earpiece.

I don’t have to waste any second. I can’t have any of us mind-controlled, so I and my Nexus Bomber Dragon immediately took action. It’s not like we didn’t expect to encounter a mind-controlling device anyway. We are always ready for any adversary that comes right in front of us.

“Serena!” I cried out loud as I stepped on my dragon’s snout and deployed a blaster shield using my futuretech glove. “Do it!”

“Graaaaaaah!!!” Nexus Bomber Dragon roared as it materialized a spherical bomb at the orb of its forehead.

The bomb immediately exploded, launching me up in the air. I used my shield to protect my own self from the explosion and to gain a rocket-like speed in midair, and I used the blaster to boost me further towards the Psychic Amplifier.

The giant tower made a sonar-like pulse. Everything in the surroundings became red in an instant, and all my allied dragons, including my Nexus Bomber Dragon, stopped racing. They just halted in midair, waiting for the orders the Psychic Amplifier may give.

“Hraaaaaaaagh!!!” I cried out loud as I slammed at the Psychic Amplifier’s main body.

Using my futuretech glove to create a giant hammer, I squashed the tower’s metals into bent metal bars, making a moderate explosion. The Psychic Amplifier was immediately obliterated, and all that’s left of it are chunks of steel and sparking electric wires.

“Everyone, are you okay!?” I asked my allies who bathed on the Psychic Amplifier’s pulse earlier.

“We’re okay! Nice save, Sir Wingate!” Jerick Fachias answered. Then his Quasar Dragon roared as it continues to hover like a jet as he proceeded towards the royal castle of Elysia.

When the smoke around me cleared, I found myself cornered by fifty footsoldiers, ten tanks, and fifteen sniper rifle lasers pointed at me. The destroyed Psychic Amplifier was inside the military facility after all, so it’s not a surprise that I got surrounded. I really didn’t think my reckless charging through.

“Traitorous Xenon Wingate! You are under arrest! Put your arms in the air!” The soldiers shouted as they pointed their rifles at me.

I slowly raised my hands and put it at the back of my head. These goons really got me. It’s a shame that I’ll get captured in this phase of our invasion.

I smiled at my enemies, which gave them chills on their spines.

“What’s so funny!?”

Suddenly, multiple spherical metals dropped from the stratosphere. The spherical metals exploded on midair, and the metal chunks scattered like bullets that blasted everyone around me. The hundreds of metal shards of the spherical bomb also exploded upon impact with its multiple targets, completely changing the landscape of the facility.

After the explosion and the smoke faded, all the enemy soldiers, tanks, and the snipers who are aiming at me are all gone. It’s all thanks to my Nexus Bomber Dragon’s cluster bombs.

“Hey, Serena! That’s danger close!” I protested.

“You don’t have to be so overreacting, Xen! My bombs can’t injure by friendly fire!” My dragon sermoned at me as she landed to the ground near me. “Come on, let’s continue our flight!”

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now