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“At last, the love potion has been finally completed! Wuhahahahahahaha!!!”

That was Z’s shout, and it echoes all around the coffee shop. We’re lucky that it’s already night when she finally had this outburst, and there are not many customers around. If people heard her laughing like an evil witch, people would freak out. I’m quite troubled that Z invited me to meet up this late. She previously called me on the phone telling me that she already has the solutions for my problems, and now here she is, presenting a red serum inside a perfume bottle.

“Uh… Z?” I made a troubled look. “Is this why you called me for? A love potion?”

“Yes!” Z pumped her fists excitedly and she stared at me with her sparkling eyes. She presented the love potion right in front of my face. “This is the love potion which is secret alchemy magic from Heaven’s Village! One drop would make the person fall in love with the first person he sees!”

“A love potion, huh…” I forced a smile. “I know that I told you about my problems with Senpai, but I don’t think I could do it to this extent. Besides, any dragonoid who was caught drugging his dragon knight is punishable by death…”

“You see, that’s your problem, Serena.” Z waved her index finger. “You always rely on your charms, even though it’s not really working on him. I’m sick of watching you trying so hard on grabbing somebody’s heart and only failing at the end. I mean, you’re the most beautiful dragonoid. You’re a famous celebrity, a great cook, and a powerful dragon. Men and women are falling heads over heels for you. But what’s the use being the most beautiful dragonoid if you can’t even have your Senpai fall in love with you?”

“T-That’s the most depressing compliment I have ever heard,” I muttered as I made a fake laugh.

“Why won’t you try it?” Z swayed the love potion in front of my face like a pendulum. “One drop would guarantee that Xenon will fall in love with you for the whole week. The effects are not permanent, so it won’t hurt if you have your precious senpai a free taste~”

I was engulfed in deep thought. Z’s words struck me like an arrow that shattered my heart. She’s all telling the truth. All my achievements, all my powers, all of it are nothing if I fail to grab the heart of my love. I want Senpai to notice me. But using a love potion is a little bit below the belt.

I guess one drop will do. It’s not like Senpai will prosecute me for drugging him or anything.

“Fine.” I grabbed the love potion from her hand. I put it in my pocket and withdrew a similar-looking glass bottle and placed it on her hand. That bottle I gave her is an expensive perfume that looks identical to the love potion. “As agreed, I will replace it with Hanafucielle Lavender Perfume.”

“Thanks, Serena!” Z hopped in joy. “I guarantee you, that love potion is 100% effective!… I don’t know if it’s good or bad, but it’s 100% effective!”


“Nothing! You can use it anytime, anywhere, or anywho you want!” Z laughed like a kid. “Anyway, there is one restriction for using that love potion.”

“What is it?” I tilted my head.

Suddenly, Z’s aura became grim. There is black smoke coming out from her back as if she’s about to summon an Archdemon Dragon from her own self. Her crimson eyes became dead and lifeless, but the intent to kill is still there. She’s even smiling creepily like a killer clown.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now