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“My friend Xenon Wingate. Would you have the honor to join us at our dinner later?”

That’s what the bastard said. Me? Joining lunch with the person who killed and betrayed me? Don’t make me laugh! I’d rather dine with a demon rather than take up his ‘kind’ offer. If I’m going to dine with him, I’ll make sure that he won’t have any teeth to chew down his food.

My crossbow is pointed at him. Michael fucking Eldritch. Beside him are dragon knights and even Lothar Pendragon, and they are ready to shield their emperor before I fire my arrow. The joke is on them, though. My crossbow has the power of a rail gun, and it can pierce through multiple enemies without any problems. It can even pierce a dragon’s hide and armor. No matter what they do, killing Eldritch is already at my hand.

All I need to do… is to pull the trigger.

“Senpai, stop!” Serena immediately grabbed my arm and redirected it away. I stopped trying to pull the bow’s trigger when it’s no longer aimed at Eldritch. “Senpai, this is not the right way of doing this! If you continue what you’re planning, innocent lives would be in peril!”

No! This ends here and now! I might end up dead after this, but I will kill him! That’s what I wanted to say to Serena. I wanted to argue and scold my dragonoid who keeps on trying to be a goody-shoe, but I can’t bring myself to it. I don’t want to have a quarrel with her, even though the purpose of my second life is to get my revenge.

However, looking at all logical conclusions, Serena is definitely right. If I kill the Emperor of Elysia right here and now, a world war would break out. Millions of humans and dragonoids would die just for the sake of my revenge. My friends Alphonse, Kevin, and Danielle, and more importantly, Serena would be caught up with extreme trouble and might end up dying for my own selfish ambitions. I’m not like Eldritch or Trystgade who uses lives as their pawns.

“Senpai, please refrain from doing this. Please do it for me.” Serena hugged me.

I gave up on Serena’s calming words. I won’t kill that bastard here. I won’t kill them now. I will wait for the perfect day to slaughter them. Even if Eldritch and Trystgade are here, Cheng is not present. I won’t be able to execute that damned doctor if I manage to get my revenge on these two while dying in the process.

Suddenly, Emperor Elkyria joined the conversation. “Oh Sir Wingate, this will be a great opportunity for us. Our private conference with Emperor Eldritch will be conducted while we dine in the grand castle. It will be a great honor for both nations to have a majestic dragon knight like you to join us. It would be kind if you take up the offer of invitation coming from the Emperor of Elysia.”

Emperor Sirius Elkyria is a wise man. He has secret schemes on his own head, and there is no way you can read him. He must be planning something for the conference. His idea might prove useful to me.

“Fine. I’ll take up the offer.” I said with curled eyebrows. “But I will take my dragonoid Serena with me at that dinner.”

Hearing my words made Marisse Trystgade’s eyebrows irk. She must be irritated that his ex-boyfriend is already ‘hooking’ up with a celebrity girl.

“Oh, that is of no problem, my dear friend,” Eldritch said as he spread out his hand and made a genuine smile. “I’m glad that you didn’t let us down.”

This plastic bastard. I can’t stand the sight of him anymore, so I turned my back and walked away with my balled fists, going towards the arena’s backstage. Serena worriedly followed me like an obedient dog.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now