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I have finished packing all my things up. Today is the day when I’m finally discharged from this hospital and I’m excited to go home. It’s been months since I last got out of this white room and it’s killing me. Now, all I have to do is wait for Serena to come back.

Serena attended concerts and tours together with her girl band and her financer Duke Corasell for five days to promote the Dragonoid Rights Bill. For the past five days, I’ve been alone with no one to talk to. Alphonse, Z, Danielle, Nathaniel, Kevin, and Rius all went out in an operation to rescue the kidnapped princess a few days ago. I don’t worry about my friends that much because they are strong and are on par with Pentagram Knights.

I sat on my cushiony bed as I await my dragonoid. After a few moments, the door to my room opened, revealing the most beautiful dragonoid and the woman I have ever known in my life.

“Good afternoon, Xen~” Serena made a smile as she waved her hand charmingly. It’s been weeks since she stopped calling me Senpai and started giving me an informal nickname, but I’m still not used to it.

“Good afternoon, Serena… err… Rena…” I scratched my head. I’m not used to talking to her with her nickname either, and I prefer speaking out her whole first name. “How’s the concert?”

“It was a success!” Serena jollily pumped her fist, and then she immediately switched to a tired facial expression. She started to unbutton her idol costume as she gloomily looks for her casual clothes on her baggage. “It was exhausting though. I’ve been singing and dancing and traveling for the past five days, and I worry about you.”

“Don’t worry about me!” I swung my arms. “I’m perfectly fine now, and I don’t really feel lonely here."

“No, I’m actually worried that you might break the hospital rules and drink beer inside this very room,” Serena said.

“O-Of course not! I-I’ve been locked up here, so there’s no way I can buy liquor! Aha...ahahaha...” I said as I kicked the empty beer bottles below my bed to the deeper and darker corners. I’m just glad that the bottles didn’t make an obvious sound.

“That’s good~,” Serena said as she removed her clothes on her top, revealing her pink bra. She really intends to showcase her body shape and perfect skin in front of me. She even acted as if she had a severe headache and mumbled something ridiculous while blushing. “Man, I’m so tired. It would be great if I get a welcome cuddle with the man I secretly love.”

“I’m not giving you that. Hmph!” I said as I made my tsundere act.

“W-What!? Why?” Serena asked as if she’s in a total loss.

“You sinned to me,” I said. Then I withdraw all the teenage idol magazines that were stuck below the cushion of my bed that I have been collecting up for weeks. I revealed one of the magazine’s cover to her, which has her picture on a two-piece bikini. All these magazines are filled with gravure idol’s sexy pictures. “I never knew you were doing these kinds of modeling.”

“X-Xen… S-Senpai… I… err…” Serena scratched her head, trying to think of an excuse, but after stuttering for five seconds, she finally gave up and sighed. “Y-Yeah, I-I’m sorry if I never told you. B-But I swear, that’s the only bad thing I made on my idol career! I did it for the Dragonoid Rights Bill! Please understand, Senpai Master Xen! I didn’t do anything dirtier than that!”

“Really?” I curled my eyebrows so that she could feel that I’m doubting on her. “Is that all you’re hiding?”

“Yes! Totally!” Serena shrieked. “I know it’s bad that I hid it to you, so feel free to punish me! I’m your slave and you’re my owner after all! I don’t mind if you ravish me, as long as you will trust me again!”

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now