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The moment Senor Alphonse’s Elemental Dragon and the enemy Yamato Dragon flew up in the skies, I was left with the two dragons and two dragon knights I’ll be dealing with. In front of me are my enemies, which are Obsidian Dragon and its dragon knight Maxi, and the other is a Thunderbuzz Dragon and its dragon knight Abel.

“Are you sure you’re going to take both of us at once?” The proud blonde skinny girl Maxi said in an arrogant tone and a boastful smile. “We can take turns in beating you up if you wanted.”

“That’s not necessary, mademoiselle.” I made a sassy laugh. “You can all come to me if you wanted.”

“You’ve said it. Don’t beg for mercy after this!”

The Elysian dragon knight Abel immediately commanded his Thunderbuzz Dragon to soar up in the air. The noise of its bee-like wings mixed with the zapping sound of electricity that coats the whole dragon’s body made it unbearable to hear.

That soaring up of the Thunderbuzz Dragon is a distraction. The first attack is intended from the Obsidian Dragon, which opened up its wings and flapped towards our direction. Hundreds of crystal shards flew towards us with a raging speed of a bullet.

“Nath! Block!” I commanded out loud. “Stockpile Buff: Arms 300%!”

My Muscleflex Dragon’s biceps and triceps became three times wider and bigger than before, and each of his muscular arms became coated with black metal. With such humongous arms, he used it to cover us from the storming crystal shards.

“You have to try harder than that!” The enemy dragon knight Abel shouted as he transferred magical electricity towards his black-and-yellow bee dragon. “Thunder Drill!”

As soon as the magic’s name was shout, the Thunderbuzz Dragon surged towards us with its bee-stinger-like tail in front. Coated with whirling golden electricity, it clashed towards my Muscleflex Dragon’s iron muscle shield. The electric current flowed and spread throughout my muscular dragon’s body, and eventually me, which rendered us electrocuted for a short amount of time.

“Guh!” I cried out loud.

When my dragon heard my short but painful cry, he immediately jumped back to gain a distance. The snowy ground produced white smoke as we dashed away from the enemy. Every inch of our skin produced thin smoke, signaling that our cells suffered from minor burns.

“Are you okay, Nielle?” My Muscleflex Dragon asked me through telepathy.

“Oui. I’m okay, Nath.” I scoffed. “It looks like we have to take these guys seriously. Fighting two versus one puts us to a great disadvantage since they are synchronizing their attacks.”

“So what should we do?” My dragon said.

“We’ll beat them quickly. Nath, let’s defeat them with one punch.” I tapped my dragon’s head and poured my magical energy on him. “Stockpile Buff: 500%!”

My Muscleflex Dragon’s muscle fibers stacked up to five times its size and thickness, making it the most macho dragon in existence. The metallic black muscle fibers ate my dragon’s skin and now he’s too bulky to move. Enhancing my dragon’s muscle to this extent makes it hellishly hard to do simple movements, but this is the only way we can deliver a deadly blow in just one punch.

“Thunder Storm!” Abel commanded his Thunderbuzz Dragon to flap its wings, and several streaks of electricity showered upon us.

“Crystal Spear!” Maxi commanded her Obsidian Dragon to charge up a crystal ball on its mouth, and when the dragon unleashed the orb, it immediately reshaped itself into a lance that is rushing towards us.

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