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The hologram globe that is the only source of light in this black room rotated slowly as it finished scanning my memories relating to my first battle on a Pentagram Knight. The longer I stare at the globe itself, the more my eye aches. So I closed my eyes just to rest myself from this irritating sight.

[Let’s continue with the interrogation. One month after you challenged Gerald Luciello, you challenged the second Pentagram Knight.]

“Yeah.” I sighed. “The second Pentagram Knight is Eroll Fizarro. He’s rumored to be the weakest of all the Pentagram Knights in terms of firepower, so I decided to challenge him next.”

[Why didn’t you challenge Eroll Fizarro before Gerald Luciello?]

“It was a test of strength,” I said. “I thought to myself that if I challenged the Pentagram Knight who has the highest firepower of all, I would prove to myself that I can win all five battles.”

Suddenly, a sudden jolt of electricity gave pain to my brain. No, it’s not the torture equipment the mysterious interrogator installed to me. The pain is all inside my brain, and I can’t help but endure it by gritting my teeth.

Images. I see images inside my mind. I can see the face of Michael Eldritch and Marisse Trystgade, their eyes gazed down on me. They have this arrogant look on their eyes. They are sitting side by side, holding each other’s hands. Marisse is holding a baby on her lap, which is covered by a royal white cloth.

“Gah!” I exhaled white smoke from my mouth. I opened my eyes just to relieve myself from this nightmare of images. Eldritch. Trystgade. I don’t want to look at their faces again.

[It’s working.] The interrogator said. [You are slowly recovering your memories at a much faster rate than before. We are getting close to our objective.]

I panted. I breathed so hard as if I’m an asthmatic. I feel tired just by seeing those fragments of memories I recalled. The interrogator is right. It’s just a matter of time before I recover everything inside my head.

[Let’s go to the time where you challenged the second Pentagram Knight, Eroll Fizarro. You challenged him after one month. Why did you wait for such time even though you can just challenge a Pentagram Knight every week?]

“I have to make our battle tactics. I don’t want to charge into battle with doubts that I can’t win. I only fight a battle when I know I will be winning.”

[Your battle against your second Pentagram Knight is the proof of that. Is winning the only thing in your mind at that time?]

“No.” I exhaled smoke. “It’s because they are watching me, so I have to do that. I had to win no matter what.”

[Watching you? Who is watching you, Xenon?]

“They must pay. They must die. I should have smoked them down on that place.” I muttered to myself.

[Answer the question, Xenon! Who is watching you at that time!]

“Michael Eldritch. Marisse Trystgade.” I scoffed. “I swear I could have killed them that day.”

Suddenly, the hologram globe spun rapidly as it sprinkled bluish sparks all over the darkroom. The memories that could trigger my wrath came back to me.




It’s morning. It’s a usual morning where all the good vibes could come in. I expect this to be a positive atmosphere for both me and my dragonoid so that we can be ready to win our second Pentagram Knight for this day. Since this morning is special, I made the initiative to make breakfast. The sound of the cooking oil and the smell of hamburgers makes this very second of my life perfect.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now