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When I woke up, I saw a clean white ceiling, lighted by a white fluorescent lamp. I can hear the clock ticking on the wall above my head, and my body is under a white sheet. I’m feeling comfortable on my soft bed, but the aching of my chest is still there. However, unlike before I passed out, I can now feel my heart beating.

“Senpai!” Serena, who is sitting beside my bed the whole time, immediately jumped unto me and hugged my head. Her hug is so tight and gentle, and I can feel her breasts squeezing on my cheeks. “Thank goodness you’re safe!”

I just made a smile. I don’t need to ask Serena what happened, for I remember all of it. Right after dissolving our Dracaryx, the drawback of my heart stopping made its effect, which stopped my heart. I thought Dracaryxes only stops a dragonoid’s heart after it was cast, but I guess our Dracaryx is unique in its own way.

Suddenly, the door of this hospital room opened, revealing my doctor’s appearance. “Sir Xenon Wingate. Good thing you’re finally awake.” The doctor approached me.

Serena stopped hugging me tight as she went back to her seat, her face fully red and embarrassed. To wipe off this awkwardness, she immediately talked to the doctor. “So how was Senpai, Doc?”

The doctor frowned, signaling the grim news that will come upon me. “It’s not good. Sir Xenon Wingate has sustained massive damage to his heart after using Dracaryx. We have performed a diagnosis and learned that his heart is long dead, and it is just forcing itself to beat in order to stay alive.”

That news is no surprise to Serena and I. We both knew that Serena revived my dead heart using the mystic power of the Final Pulse. Even though I was revived, my heart stayed dead thanks to Eldritch’s Heartstopper Curse. We should know better than the doctor, but the next revelation surprised both of us.

“Your Dracaryx is supremely peculiar, as it does not stop the dragonoid’s heart upon its use, unlike regular Dracaryxes. The Dracaryx you used to have a drawback of stopping the knight’s heart. Since you, Sir Xenon Wingate, have a dead-but-beating heart, you will suffer the ultimate consequence of using ancient magic created by the Vesryn Pulse. You barely and luckily had your heart beating again because of our defibrillation procedures, but that will not always work in your case. The next time you use your Dracaryx, your heart will stop permanently.”

Serena made a worried stare at me, her delicate hands covering her mouth. She’s on the verge of crying, so I patted her head to calm her down. “That is not a problem. I’ll just avoid using our Dracaryx from now on.”

“Sadly, that is not the worst news.” The doctor bowed down apologetically. “We have examined your heart, and found out magical traces that keep it beating. I suppose that is the power of the Vesryn Pulse, but that glowing thing will come to an end eventually as the magical energy is slowly fading. Sir Xenon Wingate, I’m sorry… You have a terminal illness and your heart… your heart is destined to stop in one year.”

“T-That’s…” Serena uttered. Tears endlessly crawled out from her eyes, and I can hear her voice shaking. “T-That’s… T-That’s not going to happen! That’s not true! Final Pulse is a one-time-only spell, and I can no longer cast it again to keep Senpai’s heart beating! Please tell me that it’s not true!”

“I’m sorry, Miss Maizono. We have tried everything that can be done, but we cannot heal a heart that has been already dead for more than two years.”

“No! It’s not true! Senpai will not die!” Serena’s cry echoed around the room. Her tears sprinkled all around as she hollered out loud.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now