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This girl… she is Serena Maizono.

I’ve known her a lot since she’s quite famous on our high school back then, but something is off. The Serena I know is a human and not a dragonoid. She used to have golden sparkling eyes that are always filled with joy and hope, but now her eyes are crimson red, filled with sorrow and despair.

It’s no use thinking about it right now. I have to save her. There are four armed soldiers with standard armor and they have rifles pointing at the poor girl. I have to take them all out at once.

“Hey, boss! What if we play with this girl a little? She looks cute!” One of the soldiers said.

“That’s a good idea! We’ll take turns with her-aaaack!!!!” The other soldier talked, but he never finished his sentence for the reason that I have shot his neck with a silenced pistol. That should be enough to destroy his windpipes and break the bone on his neck.

“What the-!!!” The three soldiers were surprised when they saw their leader drop dead on the floor.

The moment the three other soldiers looked from their behind, it’s already too late. I have fired my pistol to the three of them. The first soldier was hit on the left knee, the second on the right elbow, and the third to the stomach. My silenced pistol did the job quietly, and all of them dropped on the floor.

One of the soldiers managed to spray bullets on me with his rifle, so I made a quick reaction to unleash my magic.

“Forge!” A wooden buckler materialized on my left, and I let it catch all the bullets that are ought to hit me.

Alas, I can only create a weak shield in such a short amount of time. The bullets went through my shield and it hit my body, but the force of the projectiles has been so weakened that all it did was to scratch my Eskimo suit. The bullets my body took felt like airsoft, and I’ll be sure to have small bruises after this fight.

“Haaaa!” I spun around and threw my wooden buckler to the soldier who fired his gun at me. I hit his neck which immediately snapped it, leading him to his immediate death.

Now there are only two soldiers left. They won’t put up a fight since I already shot them both. If only my aim is a little better, I should have shot all their heads the first time I assaulted them.

“Damn you!” One of the soldiers shouted. He can’t use his rifle since I shot his right elbow, so he used his left hand to draw a pistol from his waist.

But before he was able to point his gun, I already had my silenced pistol do the job. I shot him clean in the forehead, and bits of his brain and blood blasted at the back of his head.

Now there’s only one left.

“What the… what the heck are you!?” The last soldier who got shot in the stomach tried to crawl on his back. He knew that I have my full attention on him, so the moment he put his hands on his weapons, I will burst his brains out. So, he made the wise choice to talk himself out of this predicament. “You’re not a dragonoid! You’re a human! Why are you helping her!?”

I removed my gas mask and I let my cold green eyes answer the dying soldier, which struck fear to his nerves.

“You… Your suit… You’re from the Elysian White Ghost, aren’t you!?” The soldier pointed at me, terrified. “Are you taking advantage of the Dragonoid War so that you can defeat the Empire of Alterra!?”

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