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“I’m gonna teach this wanker how to respect his superior.”

I just challenged Xenon Wingate into a duel. Since I first saw him, I’ve been itching to fight a foreigner from an unfriendly Elysian Empire. I always used to discipline soldiers and dragon knights by beating them up in a duel, so this is just a regular Tuesday for me. What makes my challenge special is that this is my first time fighting a dragon knight that grew up from Elysia.

Xenon Wingate is an aloof man with great potential. He never cares about anything that happens in his surroundings, and he’s always flying with his own thoughts. His lifeless green eyes are proof that he has suffered through despair and hell. I’ve heard the rumors that he betrayed his countrymen by killing his two best friends. If he is a well-known traitor, then I shouldn’t let him just wander about freely in this country.

“Oui Senor Faradeiss! Are you doing this again?” My sparring partner and a fellow dragon knight Danielle asked.

“Just let me put a turd where he belongs.” I smiled at Danielle. “I’ll put him in the hospital.”

“Tres bien. Fabulous, Senor Faradeiss.” Danielle had a smug of a face as she sheathed her bladed fans on her thighs. She waved her hand as she comfortably sat on the bench, carefreely crossing her legs. “Don’t be too harsh on the petit garcon.”

I looked at my trusty dragonoid who is just beside me the entire time. She is a short girl with long wavy ash-gray hair on a side fringe, crimson eyes, and snow-white complexion. She is wearing the school uniform of the dragonoids in this academy, which consists of blue blazers, white buttoned shirt, and black pleated short skirts. Aside from that, she is wearing a purple witch’s hat that makes it clear that she’s an expert in elemental thaumaturgy. She is Zheastinaleoj De Meister. Her name is a hassle to pronounce, so I just call her Z.

“Master, are we really doing it again?” My dragonoid Z asked in a worried tone. “I feel bad for those people we sent to the hospital.”

“If you feel like you’re going overboard, hold yourself,” I said as I rubbed my adorable dragonoid’s head.

Last time we had a punishment duel, Z delivered a critical blow to the opponent dragonoid. We’re just lucky that the dragonoid didn’t end up dead.

Looking at the opponents, I assessed and formulated battle plans inside my head. Xenon’s dragonoid Serena Maizono might be a celebrity model, and she looks so gentle and innocent. I don’t think a dragonoid that beautiful is capable of fighting. She looks like a well-sheltered girl. I’ll focus on Xenon since he’s a seasoned soldier of Elysia.

“You know the rules of our simple duel, right? Or are you stupid enough to forget the basics?” I asked.

“Yeah.” Xenon said. “One-knock-down rule.”

The one-knock-down rule is a short duel where a knight must put his enemy down once in order to be proclaimed as the victor. However, if a dragonoid was knocked-down, the dragonoid will be out of the battle, and the battle continues until one knight remains standing in the battlefield.

“Um, Sir Faradeiss?” Serena called me with a concerned face. “Can we have a duel without using Vesryn Pulse? As you see, Senpai right now is not in the condition of activating it.”

Looking at Xenon, he seems to be in a lot of mess, way worse than a hammered shit inside a diaper. He has his black hair uncombed and lots of cowlicks appear above his head. His lifeless eyes are much more dead than usual. He appears to be in a heavy state of hangover. If I’m fighting him with my dragonoid’s full strength, this will be a quick swoop of victory. I don’t want that. I want to have fun while having a duel with a fellow dragon knight while teaching them the lesson of respect towards the higher class.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now