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It is really the Monolith Dragon AKA the Crimson Dragonfly. It is named as such for having dragonfly-like cybernetic wings. This is not an ordinary insect to play with though unlike normal dragonflies, for this thing was the reason why Vanilla City was annihilated to crisps.

Now I know how the Crimson Dragonfly was created. It is a Dracaryx; a powerful spell granted to Vesryn Pulse users. Dracaryxes vary from the bond of a human and a Dragonoid, and it causes different special spells based on the synchronization of their hearts. Since Zac Schneider is not a dragon knight, he used a heart-altering drug to match the heartbeats of his dragonoid bitches. Zac’s Dracaryx with the two dragonoids made the magical fusion possible; thus creating the Monolith Dragon.

We can see Zac Schneider at the forehead of the Monolith Dragon. He is encased in a glass-like futuristic barrier, and he’s still sitting on his throne-like how a lazy jackass he is.

Our dragons flew until we made a safe distance away from the Monolith Dragon.

“Dracaryx only lasts for a short period of time,” I shouted to my fellow dragon knight Xenon. “Once the duration is over, his dragonoid maids will have their hearts stop beating, which will cancel out the Vesryn Pulse. We need to pressure him until the timer runs out.”

“Roger that.” Xenon said as he transformed his shield back to two buster swords. “I’ll take point on attack, and you focus on defense!”

“Fuck off, Xenon!” I shouted back. “Go back to shield! You go defense, I’ll do offense!”

“But I’m stronger.” Xenon argued back.

“I’m faster,” I said.

“I’m better looking.” Xenon said with a poker face. What the heck does it relate to being an attacker and defender in this dragon battle?

“I got a bigger dick.” I made a smug to the prick. "Yeah? Top that, bitch!"

Suddenly, the Monolith Dragon charged blue photon beams from its mouth and unleashed it forward, to our direction. With our dragon’s reflexes and talented maneuvers, we evaded the blaster that can reduce us to ashes. City blocks burned in the background as the photon laser carved trenches on the ground.

“Now is not the time to argue!” Z telepathically said it to me. “We’ll attack first!”

Suddenly, my Elemental Dragon boosted forward, leaving only lighting trails from its tail. Now that we have made the initiative, Xenon will be forced to stay on the defense.


My Elemental Dragon sharpened its red and green wings, and it coated itself with fire and wind magical enhancement. With our extreme jet speed, we slashed through the Crimson Dragonfly’s neck. Since the Crimson Dragonfly is huge, its reaction time would be sluggish, making us able to land our attacks if we fly quickly.

Alas, the thick futuristic armor is covering the giant dragon whole. All we did is to melt and slice a part of the metal plate guarding its neck.

“Damn it!” I cried.


The Crimson Dragonfly is ready for a counter-attack. Its giant right claw smashed, creating a wind pressure that would slash me and my dragonoid. But in the nick of time, Xenon and his Nexus Dragon intercepted the attack with his expanded shield that can cover up a house. The sturdy shield neutralized the intense wind pressure we’re supposed to take.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now