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As the hologram globe slows down and halted displaying my private memories, the interrogator dodged on tackling the thing he just saw. He just went on with his interrogation nonsense as I catch my breath.

[Let’s move on. Three months after you challenged your fourth Pentagram Knight, there is a big change in the course of Alterra. Do you remember what that is?]

“Yeah.” I sighed. “Yeah, I do. Three months after my fight against Christian Reines, an incident happened that threatened the peace of the whole world.”

Suddenly, the hologram globe displayed the face of a young adorable woman in her teenage years. Having long golden blonde hair, wearing a shiny royal dress and equipped with the crown, there is no doubt that this is the daughter of Alterra’s emperor; Princess Serenity Elkyria.

[Princess Serenity Elkyria is the heir to the throne of Alterra, the one and only. Emperor Sirius Elkyria greatly treasures his princess, but for some reason eight months ago, he failed to protect her.]

“The princess was kidnapped,” I muttered.

[You seem to know a lot from that incident.] The interrogator said.

“I do not have any first-hand information about this. I just read about the reports. I was confined in the hospital for three months and was ordered another one month leave. Even if I’m part of the Emperor’s Black Ops, even if I wanted to help, I can’t.”

[What happened during the princess’s kidnapping?]

“I don’t know, but it ended terribly.” I bowed. “I never thought that the princess, Serenity Elkyria, is a key person to change the course of the relationship between the countries. I never knew that her involvement in the cold war would greatly affect the lives of my friends. Kevin, Alphonse, Danielle… Everything changed. If only I was there to fight with them…”

[I’m going to ask again, Xenon Wingate. What happened during the princess’s kidnapping?]

“Why won’t you ask Major General Valesmith himself? As I said before, I am not involved in the operation of the princess’s rescue. I’m just a sitting vegetable on the hospital beds at that time.” I laughed.

Suddenly, the hologram globe flashed the faces of Kevin Valesmith and his dragonoid Rius. The interrogator continued to ask questions about the faces on the screen.

[Kevin Valesmith was the leader of the princess’s retrieval. He is a valiant dragon knight and a brave soldier of Alterra. He is a war hero of the Alterra-Sargus War and also the Third Dragonoid War. He is a powerful dragon knight on par with Pentagram Knights. He was the one who rescued you from the chaos in Vanilla City. How much do you know about him?]

“I know him a lot. His story is just as tragic as mine, but he’s a man who holds his honor above anyone else. He is the bravest man I know.”




Kevin Valesmith is a man of honor. That is what I have been hearing from people around me since I was a child. They say that I’m a prodigy, in which I have inherited my latent talents to my father who served as Alterra’s soldier and a spy against Elysia. Just like any other soldier, my father died valiantly on the hands of the enemy country twenty years ago, so I pledged myself to stand on his shoes and continue his duty to protect our precious country from other’s harm.

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