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The Psychic Amplifier was gone in just a blink of an eye. It was so crushed that nothing but ashes remain in its place. The power of the Pentagram Dragon is a divine construct, so it’s only natural that it can destroy an ancient pillar that is bound to control the whole world.

However, something doesn't feel right. We may have exhausted our magical energy in focusing the raid here on this island and destroyed the original Psychic Amplifier, but there is this gut feeling that the fight is far from over. Even though all the enemies have been defeated, even though our objective is done, I can’t help but feel uneasy.

“Xen… You’re feeling it too, right?” My Nexus Blaster Dragon telepathically talked to me. Her worried tone means that it isn’t just me who has this illogical hunch at all.

“Brace yourselves, fuckers. I think this is far from over.” Alphonse said with sweat crawling on his cheeks and jaw. He looked at me, and then to Danielle on the airship, and finally to the emperor who is riding the gigantic Pentagram Dragon.

The emperor’s eyes became sharp as he glared at the crater. He knew that the Psychic Amplifier is not the only thing on this island. When he raised his hand, all the dragon knights, including us, rode our dragons and floated in the air.

“There’s powerful magical energy on this island. We may need to demolish this whole continent after all.” Emperor Sirius Elkyria said.

Suddenly, the ground trembled in the strength of magnitude ten. The sakura trees started to fall, and cherry blossom leaves scattered around the atmosphere. I can hear the distant splashes of the ocean as if the ripples are constantly creating tsunamis itself. I can hear a long beeping noise in the skies that sound like trumpets in the incoming apocalypse.


It was a deafening whale-like sound. No, it’s not that close. I think it came from a creature that is far bigger than that. As the sound continued, the tectonic plates of the island shifted. Fissures were formed, and waterfalls were created. A gargantuan lump of land sunk into the ocean as a golden brown kind of platform rose up.

“Everybody, get back!” The emperor commanded. With his shout, we immediately flew away from the island with a speed like there’s no tomorrow. This intense fear we’ve been feeling all along does not come from the Psychic Amplifier itself. It comes from the thing that is below it.

When we finally made it to a safe distance, we saw the terrifying whole picture of this island. Cherry Island is no more. In fact, Cherry Island is not an island at all. It is a creature that is so humongous that it is the largest thing I have ever seen in my life.

“What the fuck is that!?” Alphonse couldn’t help but curse.

In front of us, is a dragon of ancient primordial origin. Only the upper half of its body is visible, and its lower body is way beneath the ocean. However, even with just its upper body, it is already towering miles high. It is able to topple down mountains with just one claw. Its whole body is golden and golden brown, and there is some rust on parts of its bionic metal-like skin. There are glowing linings all over its body that contains ancient runes of alien scriptures. It does have large wings that can cover an archipelago, but the lower half of these limbs are submerged in the ocean, making it unable to fly. Its head is shaped like a horseshoe that looks like a battleship, with sharp fangs. Its eyes have a familiar crimson irises and black sclera.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now