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My only guide in this void of infinite darkness is the heartbeats I’m hearing. The heartbeats of Serena, which is the same as my own heartbeat made me remember all the memories that I have forsaken and lost by powerful psychic magic.


I was still five years old at this moment when I was awakened with the truth of the world. One time, my father; Professor Wingate took me and my best friend Mike on a trip to a hidden island. It took us three days on a small ship just to locate it as the island itself is always covered with mist and cloud. It is the Cherry Island on the western part of Elysian Ocean, where all sakura trees bloom.

Cherry Island is also the place of ancient civilization, as it predates the war between humans and dragons itself. It is said to be the last sanctuary that was left in this world ever since the gods left, and so, it is the place where ancient temples of alien architectures. My father took me here with my best friend in the research of his study. He told me that he wanted to decipher the ancient stone tablets that contain the whereabouts of the Goddess Exceria, which is the goddess of all dragons.

Being a five-year-old child, me and Mike are playful as puppies. While my father is busy copying the hieroglyphs of the ruins, my best friend and I decided to play our favorite hide-and-seek. The ruins are massive, and it is an ideal place to hunt with your friends.

One time when we were playing, Mike accidentally found a dead end. The dead-end has this wall that has two hand slots on it, and it looked like a door. Mike and I tried to touch the hand slots, and we were surprised that the wall opened. It was a secret door, and we ventured further without telling my father.

After five minutes of walking, we saw an old ruined throne room, in which a dead body of a man is resting on the central seat. There was a gigantic sigil on the wall on his back that indicates a dragon with eight heads, wide wings, and eight serpentine tails. There are also statues at the side of the abandoned throne room which indicates dragon knights that may have fought in ancient times.

“Welcome to the land of gods, messengers of light and darkness. I am truly grateful that you have come here. Fate does not lie, and I was certain that this day would come.”

An adorable kind voice entertained us. It was a beautiful teenage girl with snow-white skin, long eyelashes, and a fairy-like sakura dress. She was the same as she was back then. Sakuradrop. The crimson glow on her eyes and the grimdark sclera are very much identical to the ones we know not a very long time ago.

Not long thereafter, my father came to our aid. He was truly astounded when he saw such amazing beauty, but he was a little bit skeptical. He knew what was on her eyes. He does not want to disclose it. However, we may have discovered a girl that may change the course of history forever.

Sakuradrop came with us when we went back to Elysia. All she told everyone about is that she is an ancient dragonoid that is the key for the world’s survival. Mike’s father; the past Emperor Eldritch took interest in her so he made her into a helper of the castle. With this, the royalties of Elysia took a close eye on her every move.

Whenever I visit the royal castle and play with my best friend Mike, Sakuradrop is there. Most of the time, we would stay on her care listening to her weird stories about the age of gods, about the hell planet that would fall upon this world after two decades, and about some beings that are outside of our comprehension. However, there was one thing that she kept on telling us both.

“Your children are a child of light and darkness. One of you is bound to save the world, and one is bound to destroy it. The savior is also bound to become the destroyer, and the destroyer is also bound to become the savior. Only one of you will succeed, and he shall decide on the fate of the world.”

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