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The calm winds blew the dusty arena, giving off a brown smoke that made the battlefield a little bit blurry.

The tension never failed to fall down as the two dragon knights readied their weapons for the final phase of this battle. The Pentagram Knight Eroll Fizarro revealed his shotguns on each hand. He shook it, ejecting the empty shell from the barrel. The shotguns only contain empty capsules, and I reckon that the enemy dragon knight is using magic to load his guns with some kind of materialization force similar to our Forging magic.

Senpai swiped the top of his giant crossbow, and a sword-sized steel needle materialized from it. One of the blaster shield’s features is to transform its shape and size to any weapon the wielder wants, so it’s no surprise that my dragon knight has resorted to a full-assault strategy on such a fluid type of weapon.

“Forge,” I whispered to myself as I magically create rolls of bandages on my bloodied left hand. With my first aid kit, I wrapped the deep cut on my shoulder to stop the bleeding. My whole body is aching. I can’t move as fast as before. I’m certainly combat ineffective, but it doesn’t matter because the opponent dragonoid is already down. Now that we dragonoids can no longer fight, it’s up to our knights to decide who the winner will be.

“Graaaaaaah!” Senpai shouted with full might as he dashed forward. I know that it’s a reckless and stupid move that my dragon knight is resorting to charging forward even though he got a hand of a long-ranged weapon, but I think he’s up to something. The green flames on his eyes are not fading, so the Avenger’s Wrath bloodline magic is still active.

“Fool!” Sir Eroll Fizarro fired his two shotguns towards the reckless knight. “You’ll never get close to me!”

Several gunshots echoed. Each of the shotgun bullets explodes into dozens of shrapnels that scattered around the air. Those shrapnels are sure to hit Senpai now that he’s not using a shield. I highly doubt that he won’t be able to evade it either.

But everything is different if Senpai’s Avenger’s Wrath bloodline magic is active. In the nick of time, he clutched himself and put his foot on the brakes. He bent his knees and pumped his fist as he shouted a mighty force of courage.

“Graaaah!” A forcefield was created from his body that made a powerful shockwave. The shockwave rendered all the shotgun bullets useless as it stopped midair as soon as it touched the forcefield. Using this cleared opportunity, Senpai pointed his crossbow towards the enemy and fired it with full force.

Senpai’s crossbow is no ordinary bow. It does not use bowstring nor magic. It uses a magnet’s force to fire its giant steel needle to render wind resistance useless. So in proper terms, Senpai is not using a crossbow, but a high-tech rail bow.

“What the-” The Pentagram Knight was surprised due to the turn of events. He failed to finish his sentence as the giant steel arrow grazed through his right shoulder. He managed to spin and avoid direct damage, but the force of the rail bow projectile rendered his shield plate down to 43%.

Meanwhile, the steel projectile changed trajectories as it flew up. It made its way until it’s about five meters high and stabbed itself to the VIP seat: mainly, to the Emperor of Elysia’s seat. It was so close; the arrow is just half a meter away from exploding Emperor Eldritch’s brain.

Everybody was surprised due to that near-miss accident. Emperor Elkyria, Empress Trystgade, and all the dragon knights are in awe as they all witness such things happen before their very eyes. However, the victim Emperor Michael Eldritch himself is not flabbergasted. Instead, he has this assuring smile on his face, as if his life was not put to peril a few seconds ago. However, he uttered a nervous chuckle.

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