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Dragon knights are cool and awesome. They are the embodiment of justice and power, and they are the ones who keep the peace between races and empires. That is what I believed as a child.

My father, Sir Joey Faradeiss is a glorious dragon knight. Actually, it’s not just him. My family is full of prideful dragon knights. My grandfather is a dragon knight. My uncle is a dragon knight. Hell, my cousins are also dragon knights. It’s almost customary for us Faradeiss dukes to enter the Dragon Knight Academy. The Faradeiss family is well known for being dragon knights since ancient times, and all of it can be dated back during the First Dragonoid War. There are even legends that a dragon knight with Faradeiss on his last name once fought alongside with the sorceress goddess Vesryn herself.

Among all my vast array of bloodline relatives, I idolize my father the most. There are tales of him fighting during the Alterra-Sargus War and even Alterra-Elysian War. He’s a veteran warrior who has fought other human empires, making him a war hero. Back on our family's house, he had these five shelves of trophies and a wide room full of medals. The previous emperors of the Alterran Empire award him almost every year, and he became motivational speakers and a figurehead of the Dragon Knight Academy himself.

I want to be like him. So I enrolled in the Dragon Knight’s Academy at a young age of sixteen. I passed all written and oral examinations and aced my magical combat tests. My ranking on the entrance exams is far superior to average students. Even with those feats, I failed for a simple reason: I was not able to find a dragonoid who has a high-compatibility rate for me to activate the Vesryn Pulse with.

Failing such a thing made me a disappointment on my clan’s eyes. The Faradeiss House looked down upon me for the simple reason of flunking the entrance examinations. I do have an idea of why I failed to find a dragonoid to bond my heart with. It’s because of my arrogant attitude and a dirty mouth. I’ve been swearing since the start of my life. I tried acting nice to everyone I’ve met, but still, that isn’t enough to get me a dragonoid on my own.

Even if I’m a failure, my father didn’t cast me out. My father treated me as if it doesn’t actually bother him, and in fact, he’s happy that he aced my other tests.

“That’s okay, Al. You will find somebody worthy of your power in the future. Wait and hope, my son.” My father said.

That was the last encouragement he told me. Because two months after I flunked the entrance examination on the Dragon Knight Academy, he was assassinated.

It was a peaceful night. I was walking down the hallways of our mansion when I heard a noise coming from my father’s office. When I opened my door, I found my father lying on his desk, lifeless. There was a sword stuck from his back all the way to his frontal chest, making it clear that his heart was stabbed cleanly in one shot. There’s too much blood spilling on the floor.

All the hair on my body stood up. There was the coldest chill I’ve felt in my entire life. My thought processes were frozen, telling me to run away.

I sensed a movement on the opened window. As the western wind blew the blue curtains, my heart was filled with fear. There is someone watching me. A mysterious man with a white hood and jacket and his face is covered by a skull-looking gas mask. It’s a White Ghost.

“Fuck… Fuck this shiiiiit!!!” I cried as I ran out of the office. “Help! Help!” I hollered out loud. But nobody heard my cries. The mansion is deserted, and I can’t even find my mother or my younger brother.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now