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I tightened my grip on the electric chair where I’m tied up. With the memories I just recovered, I have revitalized the wrath that has been felt by me for the last eight months. This burning sensation of my heart wanting to kill the people on my list grew larger as seconds go on.

[Alphonse Faradeiss and Z where mind-controlled. Kevin Valesmith was captured, and his dragonoid Rius was executed. Danielle Keine died during the fight against Sakuradrop but his wounded dragonoid Nathaniel sacrificed his own life so that she could live again. All of those happened when you were doing nothing, but sit the whole day at the hospital, doing lovey-dovey stuff with your dragonoid Serena. You’re such an aloof dragon knight for your caliber.]

The interrogator told the words I don’t want to hear. His words are true, and I admit that I have failed to protect the people who are dear to me. Being not able to do anything while your friends get hurt and die was the worst feeling in the world.

“That’s why I decided to continue the Pentagram Knight Challenge again, to challenge the last dragon knight that will test my strength.” I sighed.

Suddenly, the hologram globe presented an image of a man with an even black spiky hair. He is at the very same age as Kevin Valesmith, his height is the same as a regular adult, his skin full of battle scars, and his body as bulky as a boxer. He is the last Pentagram Knight I challenged.

[Jerick Fachias. The dragon knight is known for being skilled in all types of battles. He may not be as talented as the other Pentagram Knights, but he is the most technical and skillful in terms of combat.]

“Jerick Fachias is Kevin Valesmith’s best friend. They both have known each other since their days in the military academy, and he is said to match each other in terms of combat. I have seen him spar with Kevin back when my first year in the Dragon Knight’s Academy.”

[Continuing to challenge the Pentagram Knights, what were your purpose at that time? Is it for revenge?]

“No, it is not for revenge.” I exhaled smoke from my mouth. “I promised Serena that I will no longer seek for that. My sole reason for taking up the emperor’s offer again is to save my friends. Alphonse, Z, Kevin. I want them to be back on their home.”

[You’re lying, Xenon. All of those are still for revenge! You lied to Serena. You lied to yourself. Deep inside your heart, there is still the tingling sensation of rage towards Eldritch and Trystgade.]

“What choice do I got?” I scoffed. “Eldritch wanted to dominate the world! There is no other way but to kill him!”

[Your past actions are contradictory, Xenon Wingate. You can’t lie anymore. I have seen you act on your own selfish ambitions just to satisfy your own selfish sense of justice. There was never a time you wanted to save the world. You just cared for your revenge, nothing more, nothing less.]

“What do you know about me, huh!? Why are you so sure!?” I growled. “You talk like you fucking know me!”

[It is because I know you, Xenon Wingate. I have known you for a very long time. More than Serena. More than Alphonse or Danielle or Kevin. More than Eldritch or Trystgade. I am with you the whole time.]

I can’t believe it. I don’t have any clue about the true identity of this interrogator. I am aware of the people around me all the time, but I still have no valid guess on who is holding us up. I have to hurry and get out of this place. They still have Serena. I need to rescue her from the hands of these bastards.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now