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It really took ten minutes until the airships arrived on the foot of the towering Psychic Amplifier. There are about eight airships that came for our backup, including the emperor’s royal ship. The island has been fully occupied by Alterra’s military troops and neutralized all the Elysian threats. The dreadnought ships are already guarding the perimeter of this island, so our victory should’ve been guaranteed.

But somehow, I feel uneasy. Serena feels the same way too, as our heartbeats are quite acting weird and funny. It’s like there’s much more from this Psychic Amplifier that meets the eye.

When the Pentagram Knights, Danielle, and the emperor landed beside us, we immediately reported the situation. We told them that there is this weird magical energy coating the Psychic Amplifier that makes it eerie, and they confirmed that. Somehow, there is this psychic voice whispering to us to get the hell away from this island.

“Our objective is still the same.” Emperor Elkyria said. “We have to save the empire… no, the whole world. We don’t have a choice but to destroy this pillar right here and right now.”

“Yes, your majesty.” All of the dragon knights saluted, including me and Alphonse. Then all of us held our own chests as we shouted in a synchronized manner. “Activating Vesryn Pulse!”

Multi-colored lights flicker on the island, and several dragons ascend. There are so many dragon knights in this place that there is no way we could never destroy the Psychic Amplifier. But somehow, all of us felt that our power is underwhelming and not enough to lay waste on the target.

“DK One Squad, commence fire!” One of the Pentagram Knights shouted. On his mark, twenty dragons charged fireballs on their mouths and unleashed it to the spiraling tower. Explosions echoed, and the ground shook. The birds that were resting on the nearby sakura trees immediately migrated. But the Psychic Amplifier remains unscratched.

“DK Two Squad, commence fire!” When the second command was given, thirty dragons unleashed fireballs, and five of its airships launched heavy artillery. Such a powerful blast was enough to blow almost half of the sakura trees away, and there was a strong quake. However, the Psychic Amplifier remains undamaged.

“Limit Release! Exceed! Forge into a ray of light!” I shouted out loud as I poured my magical energy on my Nexus Dragon. In an instant, my dragon’s wings were converted into a hologram-like transparent four wings, and its claws became like a razor clamp. Several hologram spikes spawned on my dragon’s spine that is capable of gathering natural energy. Giant stag beetle-like horns were created on my dragon’s cheek, making her a terrifying abomination when it opens its mouth. This form is now Serena’s Nexus Blaster Dragon.

“All callsigns, all squads, commence fire!” The Pentagram Knight Jerick Fachias commanded, and all the dragon knights, airships, and even the dreadnoughts with ballistic missiles followed. A raging storm of explosions of fireballs, rockets, and mixed projectiles echoes around the ocean. The topography and the landscape immediately changed when all our attacks blasted on one single target.

“Full Burst!” I cried out loud as I created a gigantic cannon on my futuretech glove. With my signal, my Nexus Blaster Dragon charged electricity on its horns as it channels its ultimate attack on its mouth. We unleashed blue blasters in a synchronized manner that it swirled around in midair before hitting the psychic tower. “Hraaaaagggghhhhh!!!”

The bombardment of attacks went non-stop until it's the five-minute mark. All those explosion flashes are blinding in the eyes. All those noisy blasts are deafening in the ears. All those burning smells are painful in the nose. However, our attacks did not work at all. In fact, there’s not even a scratch.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now