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Serena was a weak and fragile girl. But the blood that is flowing through her veins has witnessed thousands of years of warfare. Her grandfather and her father are warriors, and she’s a lady that has a natural talent in the course of combat. Aside from that, she is a dragonoid that has the power to turn into a powerful and rare Nexus Dragon. Nexus Dragons have the power to utilize extraordinary feats by assessing emotional, psychological, and magical connections from a dragon knight.

Her magical forging powers is a great example of that link to me. She is able to magically create weapons with the help of the fingerless gloves I gave to her, which contains my essence. With the help of her bloodline magic Nexus Link, she can utilize my combat experiences, reflexes, and magic, and at it all to her own abilities. With that power, she will always be one step ahead of me in terms of battle capabilities.

“Haaaah!” Serena used her short sword to slice through the last fireball projectile. Now that she’s two meters away from the opponent witch dragonoid, she kicked the floor with her full force.

Suddenly, Serena disappeared from everybody’s sight. Z looked from left to right, only to be disappointed in not finding Serena.

“W-Where is she-” The witch dragonoid muttered, but she was cut by a powerful slash from behind! “Kyah!”

The elemental witch fell down to the ground after taking a clean cross-slash from behind. Thankfully, Serena used the flat edges of her swords so that it wouldn’t hurt the opponent dragonoid.

“Z has been eliminated from the duel!” The referee soldier announced.

“Fucking wanker!” Alphonse cried in panic.

He finally stopped hitting my shield with his elemental bladed chains. Seeing that his precious dragonoid has been knocked down, he was stunned for one second. I took the opportunity to charge forward, with my blaster shield in front. I’m a little bit sluggish, so Alphonse noticed it immediately.

“As if I would let you shitface get close!” Alphonse jumped back and whipped his chains at me. Eight of the bladed chains was blocked by my shield, but two of it was able to sneak out and slash my right bicep and left thigh.

“Guh!” I cried as I almost fell down on the ground. Good thing I had my blaster shield as my third foot.

“It doesn’t matter if you defeated Z! I will take you down myself!” Alphonse cried as he whipped his elemental chains twice as fast than before. Specks of fire, water, wind, earth, and lightning dust showered upon my body as I completely nullify his attacks with my shield. Even though I can withstand the attack, the shaking impact of every hit makes me a lot dizzier.

“Senpai!” Serena shouted as she flanked towards the left of the enemy. She jumped back to maintain a distance of eight meters.

With vigor and grace, Serena combined the handles of her short swords to form a curved longbow. She swiped her fingers from the top edge of her bow towards the bottom edge, magically forging a bowstring. Pulling the center of the bowstring with her right hand, she used the magic that I have given to her.

“Forge.” Five long golden needles materialized as her arrows, aimed at the enemy and ready to fire anytime. “Haaaah!”

Five arrows shattered the wind barrier with extreme speed.

“Fuck!” Alphonse exclaimed as he withdrew his chains and created a wall using his steel tendrils.

Three of the golden arrows were blocked, but there are two lucky arrows that passed through the holes of his chains. It hit Alphonse’s tummy and left shoulder which gave him a small knockback. It’s not enough to put him down. Serena should deliver a clean shot to win this fight.

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