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"This... This is impossible!"

Emperor Eldritch said as he was surprised for a peculiar happening. It is true that he just used his Eye of Deus at this very moment. The pulsing invisible shockwave and the reddening of the surroundings is the proof of that. But for some reason, he never got what he wanted. He failed to control me.

I looked at Sakuradrop, who is also surprised by the non-existent effects of Eye of Deus on me. Of course, they thought that I can be completely submitted to their control. I was once a subject to the mind-altering effects of the Psychic Amplifier back when Cheng Du sampled it. They just couldn't believe that it's no longer effective for me now. And Sakuradrop seems to know how I'm resistant.

"Eye of Deus!?" Sakuradrop muttered. "You mongrel, you have it too!? I should have known!"

I was surprised when I heard her conclusion. I looked at the futuretech glove's orb that reflected my face, and I saw that I really have the Eye of Deus. My right eye is crimson with black sclera. I did not know how or what happened, but I think the Eye of Deus repels all the mind-controlling effects of their psychic magic.

Suddenly, Eldritch's face removed all wariness and finally gave a smirk. "Heh." He let out a single laugh. Then it was followed by his wholesome cackle. "Fuhahahaha! Amazing, Serena Maizono! Amazing! You truly are the mighty and beautiful Dragon Queen after all!"

Emperor Eldritch covered his eyes with his hand for a brief moment as he reverted the Eye of Deus back to his normal form. Then he stared at me with pure and genuine admiration.

"My eyes are not worthy of controlling your mind. The only way for you to be mine is to capture your heart and soul. I will be courting you, oh my future empress. I will be waiting until you say yes."

I bowed shortly and answered. "I'm sorry, your majesty. But that's not gonna happen." Then I left the emperor's throne room and went on my way.

While walking on the corridors of the castle, I was engulfed in deep thought as I look at my crimson eyes. My right Eye of Deus is gone, and it seemed that it only activated briefly. I don't know how it happened, but I do seem to have the same power Eldritch and Sakuradrop possess. But how did I get such power?

I was finally at the gardens of the palace when I passed through some mind-controlled dragon knights. They are just guarding and patrolling the area like mindless robots, devoid of any emotion. I saw Alphonse and Z on my way out of the premises, but I did not pay much attention to them. They did not pay attention to me either, as I think they no longer remember me.

Or so I thought.

"Serena." It was the voice of my best friend.

When I looked around, I saw Alphonse and Z approaching me. They appear as emotionless mannequins just like before, but when they're finally close, Z "accidentally" bumped into me. I felt her soft delicate hand inserting some piece of paper in my fingerless glove. Then they continue to patrol their way as if nothing happened.

Having such an event gave me a glimpse of hope. Z remembered me and called my name. There must be good news for this.

When I finally made my way out of the palace premises, I looked around to see if there's someone following me. When I confirmed that nobody is stalking, I immediately drew the piece of paper from my glove.

"Five days from now, at your bar." That's all the piece of paper said.

My face brightened upon seeing this news. There is a ray of hope that is coming towards me. I don't know how Alphonse and Z broke through the mind-control magic, but I think I will get some answers from the five days from now. For some reason, I also feel that it's connected to the Eye of Deus power I got. And in the best-case scenario, they must have known Xenon's whereabouts since they're the one who captured him.

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