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“How many times, Dany! How many times do I have to tell you!?”

That’s my father’s early morning shouts. Everybody would be terrified of him if they heard him furiously shouting with all the power of his lungs out. But for me, I’m no longer scared of him. It’s my morning routine to be scolded by my spicy-mannered father who is Duke Jordan Keine, one of the most influential men in Alterra.

“You’re grounded from now on! You can no longer step outside the house unless I permit you to do so!” My father shouted.

“Oui. Papa.” I said. Then, I yawned. I just came up from bed, and I’m grateful that my very own father has a talent at being an alarm clock.

Ever since I was young, my father and mother would often scold me for small reasons. My parents are perfectionists, you see, so even a small speck of dirt on my dress would be the reason for me to not go out for the whole day. I was raised this way, so I have polished all my techniques and manners as a future duchess that will hold the house of Keines.

It’s true that I may appear ladylike from the outside, but inside me is a personality that my parents wanted to erase: there is a sprinkle of being a sadist on my heart. I don’t know why, but I like to see people mildly suffer. One great example is my parents. It gives joy to my ears every time they are upset and scolding me. I love inflicting a little pain on their hearts, and knowing that they are disappointed in me gives a smile on my face.

My parents see me as a woman that is born defective. I am fully aware of that, and I will not deny it. In fact, I’m proud of it.

To satisfy this tingling twisted sensation, I had myself join street fights. I wander around the slums of Goldcliffe City, trying to find trouble from the delinquent dragonoids in the area. Since dragonoids are not treated as humans, nobody would care if they got hurt.

I would often walk around in this kind of filthy place filled with outlaw lizards while I’m wearing a royal yet seductive dress. Being an eye-candy to most dragonoids, they will try to assault me. But they will end up getting hurt themselves. Little did they know that I mastered the secret arts of Keine Thaumaturgy, which uses bladed fans as primary weapons.

Soon, my reputation towards the dragonoid community has been famous, and nobody dared to fight me anymore. I was dubbed to be the “Killer Duchess” even though all the dragonoids I have killed on the street fight are pure coincidence. Whenever I fight, I try hard not to kill my target because I want them to agonize in pain. Killing them outrightly would reduce the number of dragonoids I would like to torture.

I discovered an event in the slums where they schedule a fight in the streets. It is called Dragonoid Street Battle, where people bet on their dragonoids to fight and win a martial-arts tournament. I want to join the tournament to punish some people, but I don’t have a dragonoid. Since I can’t fight, all I can do is to watch dragonoids suffer. But it didn’t give me satisfaction. I want to be the one to inflict the pain.

That is the time where I met Nathaniel, a macho Dragonoid who is apparently a part-time dancer in a bar located on the slums. After every fight, I would go there to buy a drink, so Nathaniel and I already familiarized ourselves with each other’s faces. I became a regular because the bar served luxurious drinks and not because I love macho dancer’s six-pack abs. Their place is surprisingly clean for dirty business.

One time, I saw Nathaniel on the same bar, but not as a dancer or a bouncer, but a customer. He is crying on the counter, fully drunk, and is in a state of panic. I went to his side and tried to talk to him.

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