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After recovering Xenon from the remains of the Vanilla City, we immediately delivered him to the hospital on the military city of Stonehill. Xenon is destined to have a lot of medical tests to see if he is still doing fine. His heart has been tremendously weakened compared to the last six months, and there are a lot of internal wounds as the diagnosis told. It gave off an idea that Xenon died a couple of times but miraculously revived by the Necross healing factor and immortality. But now that I have sealed all his powers, only destiny will tell if he can still last long.

His heart is fated to stop after one month, and the weakening of his heartbeats are the proof of that. It pains me in the heart that we only have a few more days together and we are spending it without talking to each other. He’s still asleep for the past twenty-four hours, and his magical energy has yet to return.

I have spent the same number of hours worrying, sitting beside his body in this hospital room. I don’t want to miss a second. We’ve been separated for almost a year, and now that he’s terminal, I need to make up for the times that I have lost. I want to apologize for what I have done to him, for betraying him. I want him to understand that everything about me marrying Eldritch is a lie. I don’t want us to have this bad atmosphere, especially that his days are numbered.

It’s now noon, and I haven’t gotten any sleep. I haven’t eaten either. I think my eye bags would make me look like a panda once Xenon wakes up. I’ll be glad if he ends up laughing at my face.

The hospital door opened, revealing a man in his late forties. He has black hair, green eyes, and a dark beard and mustache that makes him look like an older version of Xenon. Of course, they would look similar, for he is Professor Wilmar Wingate; Xenon’s father. He is wearing an old gray trench coat and a brown fedora on top of his head. He has come here to Alterra all the way from Elysia just to check on his son, and he’s been here in this hospital for the past four hours.

“Serena, you need to sleep. I’ll keep watching on your behalf, and I’ll wake you up once Xenon wakes up.” The middle-aged man said.

I shook my head and smiled. “I-I’m sorry, Professor Wingate. I need to be here once Xen wakes up. I need to enlighten him, to clear my name in his heart.”

Professor Wingate sat beside me and gazed at his son who is still not on the verge of regaining consciousness. Then he looked at me with a satisfied smile.

“You really love my son, don’t you?” Professor Wingate muttered. “I am truly grateful that he has met you, a fine beautiful lady that would care for him until his last breath.”

“I don’t deserve your gratitude, Professor Wingate.” I bowed. “Xen has saved my life and my soul multiple times. I was able to become what I am and maintain it because of him. It’s only natural for me to love him even more than myself.”

“Man…” Professor Wingate scratched his head while chuckling.  “My son is really a queen killer. His ex-girlfriend is an empress of Elysia, and now his girlfriend is the Dragon Queen. I know he always brags about his good looks, but I never knew that he’s quite telling the truth.”

I made a forced smile at the professor. There’s a lot of fallacies on his statements. First, I did not love Xenon because of his looks. Second, Xenon is a queen killer, literally, as he’s one of the primary suspects in burning Empress Marisse Trystgade alive. And third… I am not a Dragon Queen. The rumors spread out fast, but I am sure that I’m not playing the part of being royalty.

Suddenly, Professor Wingate’s smile transformed into a frown as it seems that he remembered something. “Serena… I have to tell you a secret.”

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now