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There was a powerful wave emanating from Michael Eldrich’s crimson eyes. Everything in the surroundings became red; the trees, the grassy ground, the skies, and the clouds. The red pulse only lasted for only a second, and the original colors of everything went back.

“Emperor Michael Eldritch. You are under arrest for kidnapping the Alterran Princess.” I said as I went forward with my dragonoid Rius.

“Oh, I don’t think you’ll be the one arresting me.” Michael Eldritch smiled. “It should be the other way around.”

“Stop being a smartass,” I said. Then I looked at my fellow dragon knights who are surrounding Eldritch. “Knights, arrest him.”

There was no response. The dragon knights and their dragonoids are just there, standing stiff, unresponsive of my orders. I repeated the same command, and none of them moved. This is where I realized that something or everything is wrong in this scene.

Eldritch scoffed but held back a little. His crimson eyes with black sclera glowed as he glared upon me, and he softly raised her hand, pointing at me with his sassy index finger.

“Alterran Dragon Knights, hear me. Michael Eldritch commands you to kill this man.” Eldritch said with a demonic smile glued on his face.

Suddenly, all the dragon knights and dragonoids in the area made a salute to the enemy emperor. “Yes, your majesty!” They all answered.

“What the-!!!”

“Activating Vesryn Pulse!” All the dragon knights synchronize their heartbeats with their dragonoids, now unleashing several true forms of their dragons. There are about twenty dragons in this area that gave their crimson-eyed glare at me and Rius.

“I...It can’t be…” I muttered. I made three steps back to gain a distance away from my fellow dragon knights. I want to ask why my dragon knights are following such orders from the enemy emperor until I remembered the device Cheng Du used to control dragonoids a year ago. “The Psychic Amplifier!? Why you…!?”

“Major General Kevin Valesmith, behold.” Michael Eldritch spread out his arms as he presented the dragon knights under his mind control. “This is the enhanced power of the Eye of Deus. The Psychic Amplifier. Even though he’s dead, Cheng Du’s experiments and projects made it possible to attain this power. I have attained the magic that is beyond holy and evil. I am the one true king, with the eyes of a divine being. Bow down to the presence of God.”

“Nobody’s going to bow on you!” I shouted out loud as I held my chest. “Rius! Activating Vesryn Pulse!”

In an instant, my dragonoid Rius transformed into a Warlord Dragon that is full of weapons and armor. I commanded my dragon to turn back as we have no chance in defeating twenty dragon knights all at once, not in this form.

If we’re going to fight these dragon knights, I will have to use Dragonmend on the airship S.S. Eaglecrest. We have to go back to the airship all at once!

But just before my Warlord Dragon could jump back to the advanced airship, an unforeseen event happened once again. There was a deafening and bright explosion, and metal chunks flew away from the source of the blast. Black smoke showered in the air as it revealed to me that the S.S. Eaglecrest is no more. It must’ve been sabotaged!

“It can’t be!” I cried out loud. “Is there a traitor on the airship!?”

“Do not underestimate the power of the Eye of Deus and its Psychic Amplifier, Major General,” Eldritch said as he stepped forward. “Every being in this forest is now under my control. Even the crew on your airship and all dragon knights preparing to ambush me on the back, I control them all.”

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now