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The gigantic golden chandeliers lit up this very place. Right after entering the royal castle of Alterra, I have seen the place that can be called a real luxury. I have never been to grand parties like these before and seeing people with expensive tuxedos and glamorous evening gowns makes me feel out of place even though we’re wearing the very same thing.

The sound of the violin’s songs soothes everybody’s ears. There is plenty of food on the table. I thought it was a private conference, but I found out that some dukes and even senators are invited to this royal gathering.

“Wooow… So pretty…” Serena muttered. Her eyes are sparkling, and the golden lights reflect on her crimson eyes.

Suddenly, a man on a royal suit met up with us. This gentleman is a mid-adult, with curly hazelnut hair and an innocent handsome face. He’s holding a wine on his hand. For some reason, his eyes are fixated on Serena. This is the part I feel insecure about.

“Oh, here you are! Glad that you showed up!” The man talked to Serena as if he’s a good friend with her.

“Duke Corasell!” Serena smiled with joy. She immediately took the duke’s hand and shook it. “I am honored to meet you here!”

Tsk. This is pissing me off. I attended this party so that I can brag about my beautiful date to my ex-girlfriend, but my date is currently acting all so close with this random duke. So I gritted my teeth as I glared to this handsome dude. The duke noticed me, and instead of displaying fear, he just smiled innocently at me.

“Oh, so this is your dragon knight!” The duke said.

“Yes~” Serena politely bowed. Then, she turned to me in order to explain things. “Senpai, this is Duke Marcus Corasell. He is a congressman who is currently drafting the Dragonoid Rights Bill, which will be the answer to solve all the inequalities between humans and dragonoids.”

The duke bowed politely at me, with his hand on his chest. “I’m honored to meet a powerful dragon knight like you, Sir Xenon Wingate.”

“Likewise.” I briefly said with a poker face.

Serena glared at me as if she’s about to punch me in the jaw for the cold welcome I gave to the duke.

“Senpai, please be a little more polite,” Serena whispered to me. “He’s the man who will be the answer to all the conflicts in the world. If the Dragonoid Rights Bill becomes a law, it will end the conflicts between races. A dragonoid war will never happen again. I’m currently promoting his bill on my concerts and commercials, and she’s sponsoring my work and cause. So please…”

“I’m going straight to the table and eat. I’m starving.” I said. Then I immediately went out of the scene.

I sat on the table near the banquets, but I didn’t touch the food that is supposed to be our dinner. Right now, there are the only nachos as appetizers so I started to gulp on that as I drown myself in my own depression. But sitting on the table adjacent to the center of the hall is the worse thing I have done since I get to see the two people I hate the most.

Michael Eldritch and Marisse Trystgade are dancing at the center of this wide hall, their arm and leg movements flow like water, synchronizing the symphony of the acoustic violin. There’s is a permanent smile on their faces, and both bastards are all red as if they have fallen in love with each other for the millionth time. Right at this moment, I truly regret going here at the party.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now