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I should have known of his wicked schemes. Michael Eldritch. He betrayed me and killed me. He left me to rot in Vanilla City, murdered my friend, and stole my girlfriend. Worse, he wanted our dreams to become the ambitions of his own. He even sold his own father out just to claim the throne of Elysia. Even though we already had the means to conquer the world using the Psychic Amplifier, he even did these measures.

Cheng. Trystgade. Eldritch. They must pay. They left me behind. I thought they wanted to rule the world with me, but their evil has pissed me off to the edge of my emotions. I didn’t have to kill them. I didn’t have to kill them all. If only they didn’t evict me from their world domination plans, I might still be able to help them.




I was fully disappointed and drunk. I feel like not going back to the party anymore. Alphonse and Danielle can handle things on their own. There’s also Major General Valesmith and his troops waiting outside of Cheng Du’s hotel. That fat retarded doctor will be under Alterra’s custody whether or not I take part in the operation.

I was dizzily looking for the toilet room when suddenly, I find myself in a hotel room where there’s a familiar dragonoid girl wearing a cherry-blossom dress. The slightest sight of her made me remember all my deleted memories.

“Sakuradrop.” I made a menacing smile. Silently muttering my spell, I forged two short swords on my hand. “I’ve been longing to see you.”

“Xenon Wingate, it must be fate that brought us together again.” Sakuradrop made a charming smile. “I am truly sorrowed that Michael Eldritch betrayed you. He seems to be wanting all the prize to himself.”

“Yeah. Eldritch, Cheng, Trystgade. They must pay for what they have done to me.” I said. As I stare longer at Sakuradrop’s eyes, my intoxication on liquor fades. I think she’s purposely using her psychic powers to make me sober up and bring me back to my old self.

“So, you have met your future self, aren’t you?” Sakuradrop matched my smile. “Nox. That is your destined personality a few years from now. With your heart dying, your body will be converted into those of an undead demon that is compatible to become the true Necross Messiah.”

“It doesn’t matter!” I shouted out loud. “Eldritch will die! I don’t care if he will become a god and I become the ultimate evil. The fate of the world does not matter to me anymore! Give me Eldritch, and I shall have his head!”

Suddenly, the door of this very hotel room opened, revealing a fat man with a lab dress. His square-framed glasses glared at the very sight of me.

“Y-You, Xenon Wingate! What are you doing here!?” Cheng Du exclaimed. “This is bad! I’m going to call Lothar Pendragon immediately!”

“Doctor, calm down,” Sakuradrop said with her crimson eyes blazing. Such command immediately prevented Cheng Du from shitting his white pants.

“Great timing, Doctor Cheng Du,” I said as I went to his side and offered my hand for a friendly handshake. At first, Cheng Du just stared at me as he is scared shitless. He’s sweating non-stop like a freaking fountain.

“What do you want!?” Cheng Du felt threatened especially when he finally saw my eyes. I saw my own reflection on his irises, and I saw my eyes having a layered rainbow color. “What does the Necross Messiah want with me!?”

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now