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I spread out my arms and commanded the chains to wrap around my Elemental Dragon’s claws. I poured fire, water, earth, air, and electricity to each of those chains, enhancing my dragon’s fists with all elemental properties. With this, I gave all my magical energy towards my dragonoid partner.

“Are you ready to beat the shit out of our enemy, Z?” I smiled.

“Always ready!” Z telepathically said to me.

Glowing golden dust covered my Elemental Dragon until it molded itself into a humanoid giant silhouette made of light. The humanoid light opened its eyes, revealing its red irises filled with determination to defeat the enemy with this ultimate move!

“Haaaaaahhhh!!!” Z shouted with her full force. In the blink of an eye, the giant golden silhouette dashed towards the Monolith Dragon with the speed of light. It enhanced its right fist with fire as it makes a swift uppercut towards the giant dragon’s chin.

The golden silhouette teleported to the left side, and unleashed its left hook with the fist covered with magical water! It was a direct hit to the Monolith Dragon’s cheek, and it was so fast that the Monolith Dragon failed to react or even utter a loud cry.

The golden silhouette then dashed to its right side and prepared a roundhouse kick with its earth-enhanced right foot. It hit the Monolith Dragon’s neck, and the impact was so powerful that the giant dragon was forced to step back.

Connecting the previous attack, the golden silhouette teleported on top of the Monolith Dragon and made a swift ax kick with its left foot enhanced with wind energy. It hit the dragon’s forehead, making a loud metallic clang noise that echoed around the city.

The golden giant silhouette jumped back as it bends its elbows. Lightning surged on its shoulders as it charges towards the enemy with a fast tackle, pushing the Monolith Dragon away.

“GRRRRRUUUUHHH….” The Crimson Dragonfly growled softly.

The Dance of the Five Elements does not stop there, as it is still about to commence its final attack. Five colorful orbs glowed from the golden humanoid silhouette’s body, spawning it from its arms, feet, and forehead, each representing the five basic elements. The colorful orbs swirled as it gathers towards the silhouette’s heart, creating a single gigantic white orb. The silhouette grabbed the white orb with its right fist, charging it with energy, and unleashed a powerful straight punch towards the Monolith Dragon’s chest!

“Haaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!” Z and I shouted with full force.

A powerful shockwave echoed from the Monolith Dragon’s back. The impact was so powerful that all the mechanical armor of the giant dragon was shattered to pieces.

“GRUUUUUUGGGHHHH!!!” The Monolith Dragon cried as it slowly fell down. It caused the collapse of several buildings behind it.

As soon as the Crimson Dragonfly was put down, the golden human silhouette faded into an exhausted girl wearing a witch’s hat. Using the Dracaryx temporarily stops the heartbeats of the dragonoid’s heart, thus also canceling the Vesryn Pulse. Now that Z is in her human form, it’s up to me to save her. I caught her in midair with my arms and carried her like a princess. Then, I used my chains to pull us to the nearest rooftop of the building around.

“Good job, Z.” I smiled at my dragonoid.

“You owe me a vacation.” Z weakly smiled. “A trip to the beach will be good.”

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now