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The sun is already setting, and the view of the orange sun descending towards the sparkling ocean's horizon makes this a picture-worthy place. The cathedral's upper balcony is the ideal place to watch this gorgeous happening, and I'm pretty sure she is already relaxing at that very place.

So I decided to come. At the edge of the terrace is the woman I love. Her long black hair dances as the afternoon breeze approach her, and her battle kimono sways in the same manner and direction. She tucked her side hair to her ear, and such action made it possible for me to have a glimpse of her beautiful face.

I mustered all the courage I got by inhaling lots of air, then I bravely took a step forward. On my second step, the woman I love immediately noticed my presence, and her golden-brown eyes looked at me with a tearful expression.

"Xen..." She made the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. The sunset lights made a bright and clear picture of her face.

"Serena..." I smiled back. As I approached and leaned towards the balcony beside her, I immediately initiated a topic. "It's a beautiful view, isn't it?"

"Yes." Serena giggled. "I never thought that this cathedral is in Alterra, a few miles before the Elysian border. Nobody has ever talked about this place before."

"Nor the Cathedral Exa. I have never stumbled upon books and reports telling that this place exists. I have read something about this place on some of my father's reports, but little is known to them. Never did anybody know that Vesryn resides here and still exists to watch this world."

There were a few seconds of silence. I looked at Serena, and her eyes are reflecting the glitters of the ocean. The sun slowly faded until it looked like it finally submerged itself to the horizon.

"Will the people be okay?" Serena bowed as she muttered.

It's been a month since we last fought the Elder Ancientech Dragon and Ampherius Deo, and we never left this cathedral. Vesryn said that we should stay a week more to monitor Serena's vitals since she just got revived from the dead using the Dragonoid Resurrection Ritual. I was also being monitored by the Gate Guardian and the Archon about traces on my Curse of Necross. So far, Serena and I are getting better with no signs of having any bad news.

"They will be okay." I said, "I've received reports about the four nations now quickly rebuilding while helping each other. Elysia is now controlled by a council, and they are yet to choose a new emperor to guide them. Emperor Elkyria is also working hard to fix Eldritch's mess. And Duke Corasell's Dragonoid Rights Bill will now have its last hearing before it gets passed. The world is safe now that the Psychic Amplifier technology has completely been lost. No Eye of Deus exists, except for Vesryn of course."

"Eh?" Serena tilted her head at me. "You seem to be enthusiastic about telling the good news about the world. Usually, you would be like 'I don't care if this world becomes hell as long as I can get my revenge! Cheng, Trystgade, Eldritch, they must die!' or something like that. Ehehe~"

I'm surprised that Serena can do sarcasm while being adorable at the very same time. That caught me off-guard and left me with my jaws hanging.

"W-Well..." I scratched my head as I tried to formulate words that would work on this woman. "Those three bastards are dead now, so there's no reason for the world to burn. Besides... this is our world now."

"Our world... huh..."

Serena was drowned on her own thought as she looked up in the skies. The darkness of the night has dominated the space, and there's little to no clouds in the atmosphere. From here, we can now see the twinkling stars, and they looked brighter than usual for the reason that there's no light source coming from our cathedral. It's now all-natural without light pollution, and all the colors in the dark night can be seen in full gorgeousness.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now