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Serena transformed into a dragon that has never been seen by any other people. My Nexus Dragon is now equipped with silver-white horned helmet, knight-like spaulders, chest plate, battle skirt, and shiny armor on her wings and tail. At the center of her chest plate is a logo of a red cross in it. My Nexus Dragon held a long white sword on her right hand and a tower shield with a sigil of the cross on her left. This complex form that we managed to master together ought to bring the strengths of his Nexus Saber and Nexus Barrier forms. She is now a Nexus Crusader Dragon.

“Graaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!” My Nexus Crusader Dragon roared, bringing a weak shockwave in the area.

“Amazing.” Jerick Fachias commended. “Nobody knew that you can merge two dragon evolution forms into one. Kevin failed to tell me that vital information about you.”

“This is the new power that has recently been discovered by us,” I explained with a smile. “Kevin Valesmith would not have known this information. I didn’t spend the last months of my stay on hospital laying on my bed.”

“Then let’s see the fruits of your hospital training,” Jerick said as he pointed his claw towards me and my Nexus Crusader Dragon. “Quasar Blast!”

The enemy Quasar Dragon opened its mouth, revealing its razor-sharp teeth and clean pink tongue. At the center of its mouth, light particles gathered until it charged an orb that is similar to a dwarf star. Suddenly, four portals opened above its wings, charging the same dwarf stars. When the enemy dragon finished charging up its energy, the four portals, together with the dragon’s mouth unleashed a bluish-white blaster that surged towards us!

“Wall of Babylon!” I cried out loud. On my mark, my Nexus Crusader Dragon slammed its tower shield on the ground, and a brick wall spawned in front of us. A second batch of the gigantic brick wall sprouted as soon as the first wall has reached its maximum height. Then, a third brick wall spawned just after the second wall erected. There are now three layers of Wall of Babylon that can block the enemy’s attack!

The Quasar Blast went through the first, second, and third walls with ease, like a laser that can penetrate anything it touches. The last line of defense, which is my Nexus Crusader Dragon’s tower shield, created a golden magical circle that served as a barrier for the Quasar Blast. The bluish laser spread out as soon as it was repelled by the magical barrier, and a wide V-shaped trench formed beside us as a result of the blaster.

“Stardust Accel!” The enemy did not sit idle as they continued with their combination. The Quasar Dragon spread out its wings and launched itself towards us with lightspeed. Silver stardust sprinkled on their trail as a result.

“Serena, hold it!” I commanded.

“Graaaaaaaaahhh!!!” Nexus Crusader Dragon roared back in affirmation. She readied her shield for the impact as she had her left foot step backward.

There was a powerful shockwave as soon as the Quasar Dragon crashed to the gigantic tower shield. The shield itself sustained severe damage as the claws of the Quasar Dragon sliced through it like butter. As of the moment, the enemy dragon claws are enhanced with extreme magical energy that melts anything it touches.

“Blink!” I shouted out loud. At that moment, I activated my Nexus Crusader Dragon’s Blink magic as if it was my own. Both of us teleported to the sword that is behind the enemy, and my Nexus Crusader Dragon prepared for a quick downward slash with her longsword.

“Graaaah…” The Quasar Dragon cried in pain as my Nexus Crusader Dragon’s sword grazed its back. The Pentagram Knight was spared from any damage as the wings of the Quasar Dragon protected him from harm in the nick of time.

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