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“The good always triumphs over evil. But then again, history is written by the victor. History is filled with a bunch of liars. Eldritch lived, and you died. His truth became the truth, and your truth is forever lost like a mud washed by a stream of the river. His triumph over you will be written, and he will be remembered for this; for being a hero. While you, your family, and your entire generation will be filled with dishonor and all that’s left for your name to be recognized in the future is that you’re nothing but a traitorous villain.”

Emperor Sirius Elkyria’s words pierced my ears, my brain, and my heart. He’s entirely correct about his philosophy that came out of nowhere. I don’t have any good reaction. I bit my lip, letting my anger swell on my blood vessels and nerves.

“Emperor Michael Eldritch. He was your friend and superior. He was the one who gave a directive to get the intel about Doctor Cheng Du who appeared to be on his side the whole time. He stole your girlfriend, Marisse Trystgade; who now bears a future emperor on her womb. How do you feel about that?”


I muttered. I balled my fist, ready to shatter the table to pieces. But I held myself.

“You know the saying, ‘The enemy of my enemy is my friend’?” The Emperor of Alterra rested his chin on his fist.

“What do you want from me, your majesty?” I asked.

The emperor leaned back as he indirectly answered my question.

“Alterra and Elysia are currently holding a peace treaty, but everybody knows that it’s just on paper. Now that the late Emperor Eldritch had died on the hands of his bastard son, only time will tell before they rally on our borders. I even heard that he’s collaborating with the dragonoid terrorist group. My empire is in grave danger from Elysia and Arcadia. Our very way of a peaceful life is at risk.”

The emperor reached another folder below his table and gave it to me. When I opened it, I was surprised that it contains a paper that would change my life forever. It is an application form to the Dragon Knight Academy.

“I’ve heard that you are capable of using the Vesryn Pulse.” The emperor smiled. “And you own a dragonoid that can transform into a rare and powerful Nexus Dragon. There’s no other person like you who can bond well with a dragonoid with such power, at least in Alterra. I’ll be more than happy to have you as an ally and not a prisoner. Accept this offer, and I will ensure you the privilege of being Alterra’s Dragon Knight.”

“You want me to take down Eldritch,” I muttered.

“No. Not now. Not until the treaty is still in effect.” The emperor frowned. “People will be angry if we start a war without just cause. But I’ll be happy to provide what you want for a condition.”

“What is it?” I asked.

“You have to prove your strength to the Pentagram Knights; the most powerful dragon knights in the empire. If you get all their approval, I will give you an army of your own to seize the Empire of Elysia at your own discretion. You can wage war with Emperor Eldritch with your own name. I don’t want to dirty my name for just senseless war, but I think you don’t mind as long as you can get your revenge.”

“Yes.” I bowed as I clenched my fists with more force. “I don’t mind at all. I can even burn the planet and make this a living underworld as long as I can get my revenge.”

The emperor smiled. He offered his hand for a handshake. “Mister Wingate. Glad to have you in Alterra.”

I took his hand and shook it.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now