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A loud explosion blasted in the area. Snow dust and ashes whirl around the place, making a zero-visibility smoke that covered everything around me. But even with that impaired visuals, the dragonoids with assault rifles continued to spray their bullets blindingly towards us.

“Diiiiieee!!!” Most of the dragonoid shouts can be heard despite the deafening noises of the gunshots.

After ten seconds of endlessly firing, the dragon knight raised his hand, signaling them to stop. All the Dragonoid complied, and they had a fierce smirk on their face. They are fully confident that they have pulverized us completely. However, the dragon knight is not pleased. Instead, he’s shaking out of fear. His armor clanks as his body vibrates in terror.

“I-It can’t be…” The dragon knight muttered.

When the smoke faded, everybody witnessed the mystical power that I have awakened.

Behind me is an eight-meter-tall white-and-blue dragon. It has two large blue horns and a flaming bluish-white fur on its back. It has curved claws like a scimitar, fangs like those of a liger, and a tail like those of an iguana. It has wide snow-white garuda wings which were used to protect me from the barrage of bullets directed to us earlier. This dragon is the awakened form of Serena Maizono. She is a Nexus Dragon.

The Nexus Dragon’s crimson eyes glowed as it gave out a loud roar.


“Y-You’re a dragon knight too!?” The enemy dragon knight exclaimed. “I-Impossible!”

My emerald eyes glowed as I fully succumb to my anger. The dragon knight in front of me is my target. I poured all my focus on the enemies around us. There are twenty-two, including the dragon and the knight. With my current enhanced magical prowess and my cemented resolve for revenge, there is a hundred percent chance I can take them down.

“Serena!” I shouted.

“Grruuuuuuaaaaaaahhhhh!!!” The Nexus Dragon unleashed blue flame blaster from its mouth that swept all the armed dragonoids on our front, left, and back. Fourteen of them caught the fire which made them agonize as they helplessly see their own bodies burn to death.

“Aaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!” Those were the dying screams of the armed militia.

“Fire at the human!” One of the dragonoids shouted, and the remaining five goons agreed. They sprayed their bullets to us, emptying their magazines. All of those bullets are directed to me and not Serena because they know too well that bullets won’t work on her.

In the nick of time, I picked up the shattered tower shield beside my best friend's corpse and positioned the shield in front of me. It’s only half of its size, and it’s not enough to block all the bullets rushing at me, so I have to fortify it up!

“Forge!” I cried. Then, the ruined parts of the tower shield started repairing itself as if the shield has regeneration power.

With my brand new shield, I caught all the bullets directed to me. I bolted forward with the speed of a rocket and slammed my shield towards the nearest armed dragonoid, making his nose burst and blood splatter all around his face. The enemy goon fell down lifeless.

“Damn you!” One of the dragonoids withdrew a machete on his waist and recklessly charged at me. The other four also switched to melee as firing this close would be inconvenient to them.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now