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The smell of blood coated my nostrils. The sound of a sticky substance repeats on my pickaxe. Blood runs through my tattered leather boots as I look at the dying human guard with the eye of a god and a demon. His spine has been broken by my mining tool, but his arms still have sufficient strength to grab me.

“D-Damn… you… Xenon..."

Suddenly, a dragonoid with a masculine build appeared from the darkness of the mine. He had his pickaxe on his shoulder. When he saw the crawling prison guard begging for his life on me, the dragonoid smashed his tool straight to the human’s head. Brain chunks flew around and splattered on the walls of this man-made cave.

“Don’t let anyone live. The day of our uprising is now.” Lothar Pendragon said as he rested his bloody pickaxe on his shoulder.

“I know,” I muttered. Then I crouched down to check on the prison guard’s body and found a pistol having two spare magazines and a key. I immediately put those items to my dirty coat’s pocket.

Suddenly, about eight dragonoids, all wielding bloody pickaxes, and shovels appeared on this scene. Alder Windstrafe and his dragonoid Emy also made their appearance in this crossroads of the mine.

“All prison guards on this mine has been neutralized silently.” One of the dragonoid said. “But we haven’t found the key.”

“Xenon here already got it.” Lothar laughed. The once-proclaimed Hero of Elysia stood at the center of our circle and made his speech. “This is the time we break out of prison! This is the time we rise up against our oppressors! This is the night we will be free and attain vengeance! Put it all in your heart and soul as we will be free!”

“For our freedom!” One of the dragonoids pumped up.

“For our freedom!” The other dragonoids shouted out loud.

“Xenon!” Lothar patted my shoulder with full hope and energy. “Where does the key lead to?”

I stared at the key I just got from the dead prison guard and saw a label. It says cafeteria, so I said “Cafeteria.”

“H-Huh!?” All the prisoners were immediately disappointed by what we have discovered. Sure, the first step of our plan is to secure the key from a guard. This is the only key we retrieved from them so I’m not the one to blame.

“Out of all the keys, why the cafeteria?” Alder muttered in dismay. I’m just as frustrated as he is, but I don’t have time to complain.

“We have to make use of this key somehow!” I cried out loud. “It may not be the armory key or the anti-magic bracer key we are searching, but this is still a step for our plan! Tonight, we will raid the cafeteria!”

I immediately ran towards the tunnel reaching the entrance. Without any choice, Lothar and Alder followed my lead. The other dragonoids may have their spirits low, but still, they decided to follow not me, but Lothar Pendragon.

“Are you sure we can trust that human?” A prisoner dragonoid asked Lothar while we run through the rocky corridors. “He acts like he knows what he’s doing, but I doubt him.”

“I trust Xenon with my life.” Lothar smiled. “We should put our past differences aside. Humans, dragonoids… we are all the same in this prison. In this place, there are only factions: the oppressor and the oppressed. We are soldiers without any fealty, and that is what keeps us united at this very point in time. We are nothing. Forgotten, betrayed, abandoned. We are like stray dogs dying in a corner of a street. But with Xenon’s plans and leadership, we will attain freedom.”

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now