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~Tzuyu POV~

"Unnie!!" I called. "I'm gonna get some drinks, what do you guys want?"
"Just water, Tzuyu!!" Jihyo unnie said. I nodded and opened the door.
"Maybe you can get some chips, Tzu!!"

This was a bad idea.... I thought as I juggled 9 water bottles and a few chips in my arms.
"Fudge..." I whispered when I almost dropped on of the chips. I focused more on what I was holding than where I was going, which caused me to bump into the wall.

"Oh... are you ok?" The wall asked.
Since when can walls talk?
"Are you ok?" Another voice asked. I raised my eyes to see that the wall wasn't a wall at all, but rather, a hard chest.
"I-I'm fine..." I stuttered and started to walk backwards but almost tripped on one of the water bottles. I bent down to pick it up but was surprised when another hand beat me to it. I looked up and my eyes skimmed over his uneven eyelids, one mono and one double, to his plush pink lips, then back to his eyes, which were staring right back at me. I cleared my throat and stood up.

"V sunbaenim," I said and bowed. He nodded at me and smiled softly.
"You're TWICE's Tzuyu, right?" My head turned to the shorter man beside him.
I nodded and bowed again. "Yes, Jimin sunbae," I said and turned back to V sunbae and held my hand out. "I'm sorry for bumping into you, sunbae. I wasn't looking where I was going," I gestured to the water bottle. "Can you give that back?"

V sunbaenim looked at the water bottle in his hand, then to the food I was carrying and shook his head. "I'll look like a bad person if I let you carry all those alone," He said and started grabbing some chips from the top of the pile of drinks and food on my hands. "Let me help you, Tzuyu."
"It's ok, Tzuyu," Jimin sunbae said and started copying V sunbae's actions. "We'll walk you to your dressing room."

I bowed again, "Thank you, sunbaes."
Jimin sunbae chuckled and shook his head. "You're too formal, Tzuyu. Just call us oppa."
I nodded shyly. "Ok... oppa..."


"Tzuyu, where were you- oh!!" Jihyo unnie gasped when she saw my companions. "Jimin and V sunbaenim!!" She exclaimed and immediately bowed.
"It's ok, Jihyo," Jimin oppa chuckled. "We bumped into Ms. Tzuyu here, and we helped her carry your food."
"I'm really sorry I disturbed you, oppa." I said again and bowed.
"It's really ok, Tzuyu." V oppa said and gave the food he was carrying to Jihyo unnie. "We're glad to help."
"Thank you very much, sunbae." Jihyo unnie said and pulled me inside.

"I guess we'll see you around, Chou Tzuyu," V oppa winked at me and smirked. "Bye."
I waved at them shyly and watched them go.

~Taehyung POV~

"So...." Jimin elbowed me and smiled teasingly. "Chou Tzuyu."

I was about to answer him when blurry scenes suddenly flashed in my mind. A hallway... lockers... and the sound of books falling...

"Hyung!! Where did you put my bag?!!"
"I'm sorry...."
"What's your name?"

I blinked and suddenly I was back in the corridor with Jimin, who was looking at me worriedly. Different K-idols and staff rushed past me as I looked around confusedly.
"Did you see that?"
Jimin made a face at me. "What? See what?" He asked then he stepped closer to me. "Are you ok?"

I nodded slowly and shook my head. "Yeah... yeah, I'm fine." I said and tried for a smile, but by the look on hyung's face, he wasn't convinced.
"I'm fine, hyung." I said. "We should get going." I said and walked past him. Jimin looked at me weirdly and followed me to our dressing room.

While we were walking, I couldn't help but think about the last thing I saw before Jimin pulled me back to reality.

Eyes... soft, almond shaped, dark brown eyes... eyes that looked similar to-

I shook my head and focused on walking. What was that?

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