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~Tzuyu POV~

At Taehyung oppa's comment, my unnies immediately squealed. I glared at Taehyung oppa, who was looking at me smugly, and tried to cover my face.
"Oppa~" I whined, making him laugh and pat my head. He stood up and walked away from me. I stared at him in confusion then raised my eyebrows when he came back with a first aid kit.
"I'll do it, Mina." He volunteered. Mina unnie nodded and walked away, but not before looking at me teasingly. 
"Oppa," I said but he immediately shushed me and busied himself with the kit. He stared on my face and started dabbing on the side of my lips with a wet cloth.
"Why didn't you defend yourself?" He asked. I looked at him and shrugged. "It might get worse if I fight back..." I answered, wringing my hands together, but stopped when Taehyung oppa placed his hand on top of mine.
"Stop that." He murmured and hovered his fingers over my face, checking it for more injuries. He frowned again and looked at my hair, which was still a mess of brown stacked on my head. 
"Turn around," He whispered, gently touching my elbow to turn me around. I suddenly felt a sharp sting of pain the moment his fingers touched my skin, the pain was so sudden that I jerked my arm away from him. His eyes widened and he grabbed my elbow gently. 
"Shit..." He cursed while running his fingers over the very long, very deep nail marks running from my elbow to the middle of my lower arm, there was even some blood seeping from some of the marks, but what's weird is that I didn't even feel the pain... well, not until now. "That sasaeng's crazy." He murmured, reaching for the kit again.

(A/N: Do you guys have those kinds of moments where you don't even know you've injured yourself and then just realize it when you touch the area? I have a lot of those moments, I just randomly find a cut on my finger or elbow and I don't even know where I got it.)

I shook my head. "She's an ARMY, oppa."
"No," He said and started treating my cut. "She's a sasaeng, Tzuyu. A fan wouldn't hurt you. They would accept you." I didn't answer that and just avoided his gaze.

"Tzuyu," Nayeon unnie called so I looked at her, she was walking towards us with her phone in hand. "Xiumin oppa texted me. He said you aren't answering your phone, he's worried."  My eyes widened and I quickly grabbed my bag, rummaging for my phone. I opened it and saw that I had 45 missed calls from Xiumin oppa.

Baozi: Tzuyu?
Baozi: Tzuyu, where are you?
Baozi: Dammit, Tzu!! Answer your flipping phone!!
Baozi: Tzuyu, the dating rumors were confirmed. Where are you?
Baozi: Answer your phone, Chou Tzuyu!! Sehun already told me the news. Are you ok?
Baozi: Tzu, where are you?!! You guys aren't home!! 
Baozi: Tzu, fucking hell, you're making me worried...
Baozi: Tzuyu...

I immediately felt guilty and dialed him, he picked up almost immediately.
"Tzuyu!! Thank god, are you safe?! Sehun told me the news, are you ok?! That crazy sasaeng looked like she was gonna kill you!!" He said as soon as he picked up, guilt filled me more because I can hear the distress in his voice, I was about to answer when Taehyung oppa suddenly pressed hard on my cuts, making me flinch. I looked at him weirdly and he just smiled.
"I'm fine, oppa... just some small cuts. That girls' nails are long," I commented and chuckled. "By the way, oppa... what happened to the girl?"
"Well, after you escaped from the crowd, with the help of Tae, the bodyguards immediately held her down and forced her inside of the building."
"Oh..." I said and smiled at Taehyung oppa when he finished bandaging my cuts. He smiled back and stood up, he's probably gonna put the kit back in its place.
"Where are you?" He asked and I can hear car beeps in the background, he's probably driving. "I went to your house, but you weren't there... so were your unnies... you won't believe how freaked out I was when no one opened the door... and then Sehun told me about the crazy sasaeng attacking you. You weren't answering your phone, I didn't even know where you were... god, you made me worried, Tzu."
I pouted and looked down. "I'm sorry, oppa..."
I heard him sigh from the other end. "Just don't do it again, Chou Tzuyu.... god, you made me so worried..."
I smiled, that's Xiumin oppa for you, he can't stay mad that long, he just says, "don't do it again," and he's ok!! 
"Sorry, oppa," I said, suppressing a smile. "I'll make it up to you."

~Taehyung POV~

"Hey," Yoongi hyung greeted as I entered the kitchen. "How's Tzuyu?"
"She's fine," I answered, reaching up to place the kit in one of the cabinets. "She's talking to Xiumin hyung."
I saw him smirk and lean on one of the counters smugly. "You sound bitter." He remarked, crossing his arms. I stopped and looked at him. "I'm not, hyung." I said. He scoffed and tilted his head teasingly. "Maybe I used the wrong word. You don't sound bitter... You sound jealous."

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